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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 32

Sleepless night


It has been a long day: Fraction took in a group from Alpha Callum’s pack. I made sure the pups and women were all fed, cleaned and looked after while he talked to the males in his office. When they finally emerged, the sun had already set, and the pups were settled in my old room. Fraction looked tense and refused to talk about what was said. I got a very gruff Later.when I asked him about it. He asked me to go up to our room and start packing for the Moon Gathering as he and James went into the office. That was almost three hours ago and now I’m bored. I decide to go and see if Fraction is anywhere near done

I tiptoe down to his office very much like I did the night I was taken. Again, I didn’t meet anyone on my way down, it must be a little later than I thought

Go back to the room Anna.I hear Winter scold me

No! I’m his Luna and I’m sick of being picked up and placed where he wants. He can either come to bed or tell me what is going on.’ I reply to her

Fine but nothing good ever happens when we wander around alone.I mean she’s not wrong but I’m not going to tell her that

When I get to the office door, I realise I can hear James even though the door is closed. This door is reinforced so people can’t listen in on the Alpha’s meeting. I don’t know how I can hear them but listen




What about Sarah, did you get rid of her?I hear Fraction ask

Yeah, she won’t be an issue anymore. You should have let me do that from the start.James responds in a low voice

I don’t like using such a heavy hand, but I won’t have her upsetting, Anna. Did the checks on Dan and the others come back ok?I can’t help but wonder what they did to Sarah, sure she pissed me off, but I don’t want her to come to any harm. I hear some papers rustling ast James answers

Yeah, they all check out. My concern is what he told you about Callum. If he’s really helping the rogues capture these females, he’s going to have a lot of packs after him.” 

We have no proof, only the word of a deserter Head Warrior. Hist word won’t be counted in front of the Elders.I lean slightly closer not wanting to miss anything. I hear the clink of ice on glass and assume Fraction just poured himself a whiskey

What about Anna? What Dan is claiming is crazy, could it be true?” 

I don’t know yet. If she really was sold as a child, then she could have a family out there. If it’s true it means Callum is not only helping capture females for rogues but he’s also selling pups.I gasp, clasping my hand over my mouth. I can’t believe what I just heard. Sold? Me

Demand answers! Now!Winter demands. I don’t think as I open the office door and look at the two stunned men before me. James is sitting on the sofa surrounded by papers and a half empty glass of whiskey. Fraction is sitting in his chair looking straight at me like he’s seen a ghost

Anna! What are you doing?Fraction demands, his tone has taken on an edge of anger


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What do you mean I was sold?I shout, I didn’t mean to shout, it just came out like that

Fraction stands and grips the desk, were you listening at the door?” 

Of course, I was. You don’t tell me anything and just demand I go where you tell me. Now tell me, what do you mean I was sold?Jamess eyes are going back and forth between us like he’s watching a tennis. match

Anna, maybe you should have a seat.James tries to interrupt the coming argument

Shut up James.me and Fraction both snap at the same time

Anna, I only have limited information right now. I was going to tell you when I have more.Fraction is pleading with me to listen but I’m too angry. Winter is egging me on to test my limits. I walk closer to him so there is only a desk between us

I gave you everything and you still can’t tell me anything. If you can’t tell me what you meant about me being sold, maybe you can tell me what you had done to Sarah.” 

Fraction sputters, Sarah is gone, she won’t be a problem anymore.” 

You killed her?I can’t believe what I’m hearing 

Is that what you think of me? You think I just go around killing females? If you think so low of me, you can leave my office. Get out!Fraction is shouting at me; I’ve never seen this side of him before


Out now!With his Alpha aura pulsing I have no choice but to obey. I run from the room crying




I watch my mate flee the room and I am flooded with instant regret. I go after her the second she is out of sight. I should have reassured her that of course we didn’t kill Sarah. I banished her from the pack when I got wind, she was going to challenge Anna at her Luna Ceremony. Anna is amazing but she is not ready for a challenge, she barely knows. how to defend herself let alone fight in a challenge. She would be killed, and I would be forced to allow it. Sure, Sarah could come back and challenge Anna, but she would have to get past my patrols to do it

I let out a shout of fury as I realised Anna has not run upstairs like I expected, she has left the house. She knows not to leave the house for any reason alone. I see her clothes on the porch and shift into Leo knowing I need to find Winter now

Winterwhere are you?I call out 

back. I have been running in the wood he mind link. I get nothing 

for about 20 minutes when

come upon a small clearing. The pack sometimes uses this area to teach the pups how to shift. It’s nice and enclosed and it gathers all the sun on a warm day. It’s a beautiful spot for your first shift. I see her at the far end of the clearing as we enter. She has her hackles up and it takes me a minute to realise it’s not aimed at Leo

2D wolf 

With a big sniff I smell them. I instantly hand over to Leo to allow him. to defend our Luna. Leo instantly put himself between Winter and the massive brown wolf coming her way. I send out an alert over our mind link to Rick and the warriors to come and help us. As the starts to advance on us, I realise Winter is snarling at something. There are three more wolves in the clearing now. A quick sniff confirms what I thought, these wolves are not Pack. Leo lunges at the same time the brown wolf does, we both get knocked off to the side and come up snarling. Leo’s paw is wet with blood, so I got him somewhere. Not enough though as he is still coming at me

I hear Winter yelp and I turn to see what happened when I feel it.



sharp sting in my side followed by four more. Leo is swiping his claw but not hitting anything. It feels like I have been drinking for days without a break. Without even meaning to I shift back into myself, I drop to the floor unable to move

Good work lads, we got my stain of a sister back. And bagged an Alpha. Let’s get out of here before his Warriors show up.I don’t know where the voice is coming from, I can’t see who is speaking. I try to get. up, but my b*dy won’t listen to me. I feel a hand on my arm and another sting and then nothing


Fraction? Wake up!I shout for maybe the third time over our mind- link. I don’t really know what happened. I remember being upset and needing some time alone, so I had Winter take us back to the clearing we found. I recall seeing Leo walk towards me as I saw the other wolf entering the clearing, Leo jumped in front of us, trying to protect us. Just as Leo lunged at the wolf, I felt a series of stings in my ass and then everything went black

When I woke up, I found myself in the same cell that haunts my nightmares. The cells either side of me are empty but the fresh smell of blood tells me this is a recent thing. When I looked outside of the cage, that’s when I saw him. Fraction is hanging from the ceiling by his arms. He has a bag over his head and blood is dripping to the floor from a wound I can’t quite make out. Since I woke up. I’ve been trying to speak to him, but he isn’t answering my mind link which can only mean he’s still unconscious

The cells seem emptier than the last time I was here. I can still make out the form of some females but nowhere near as many as when I was last here. I feign sleep when I hear the basement door open. I hear someone come down the stairs. I hear the crying of a woman and then I hear a cell door closing. I stay still pretending to be asleep as I listen to the person leave the basement

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Sleepless night 

285 Woche 


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