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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 33

The Missing Alpha


Someone has taken our Alpha, we heard him call for help but by the time we got there all we could find was the smell of five wolves, our Luna’s scent and that of our Alpha. Dan found a tranquiliser gun near a tree, which tells us how they managed to take down our Alpha. It takes alot to overpower a newly mated Alpha but if you shoot enough tranquillisers into them, they will fall and stay down as long as you keep pumping them with the toxin

James is sitting in Fraction’s office trying to call the other Alphas for aid, I don’t understand why we don’t just go now. I know for a fact they will have gone back to that farmhouse; they have no idea we know where it is so they will have no need to move. From the tone of voice coming from James it doesn’t sound like he’s having much luck. Darryl answered the call straight away and said he would meet us at the farmhouse with his warriors. That wasn’t very shocking though, Darryl and Fraction go way back

Damn it!James slams the handset back on the base. Only two Alphas will come to help. The others say they can’t be there due to some bullshit reasons. It’s all because of this Callum shit!” 

Can’t we just go with what we have?I ask James 

We could but I’d rather have an army. We need to get Fraction and Anna back.I nod in agreement

Sure, more would be good, but Darryl has an amazing warrior team, so do we, who was the third Alpha?I ask James




The Missing Alpha 

Alpha Steven of the Everfur Pack, they are far out though, and it would take a week if not more for him to get here.I bolt out of my 


I refuse to wait a week. You saw how Anna was last time she came back. I won’t leave her or our Alpha there a minute longer than we need to.I’m pacing back and forth in front of James

I agree, pack up the warriors we leave tonight.James is dialling the phone as I leave, I presume he is contacting Darryl to tell him the plan. If we are fast, we could have our Alpha and Luna back in three daystime


The stench of blood and piss is so strong it’s the first thing I notice when I come to. I can’t move my hands, they are stretched above me and have been for a while if the pain in my shoulders is anything to go by. I can still feel the wolfsbane in my system which means Leo will be no help, I can only assume the tranquillisers that hit me in the field. were laced with the stuff. I went down a lot faster than I should have. I give a testing tug on my hands, not even a nudge. I’m secured tight alright. I have a canvas bag over my head, which means it must be dark. wherever I am as I can’t even see any lights beyond it

Fraction?I hear in my head

Anna?I reply instantly

Oh, thank Goodness you’re awake. It’s been ages. I was worried you wouldn’t wake up.She sounds tired and hurt

Are you ok?‘ 

I’m fine, they knocked me out before you. I didn’t wake up until a little while ago and they haven’t seen me awake yet.She speaks in my head



Who are they? Where are we Anna?” 

We are at the farmhouse. It was John. I’m so sorry Fraction, this is all my fault.I can hear her crying

Shhh little wolf. I shouldn’t have gotten mad. Please don’t cry, it 

breaks my heart, and I can’t get to you.All I want to do is pull her into 

my arms

I’m sorry, I just can’t believe I’m here again.” 

Don’t worry little wolf, we will get out.” 

With the bag on my head, I can’t tell you how long I’m hanging here. Eventually I hear a door being opened and someone walking down. some stairs

Has he had his wolfsbane?I hear someone ask

About two hours ago, boss. Want more?A second voice responds, he sounds further away, maybe at the top of the stairs. I can’t know for 


Yeah, get me a dose, he’s a big bastard.He’s not wrong, even now I can feel Leo trying to wake up. Some time goes by, and I feel a sting in my arm. I watch as Leo shrinks back into the shadows of my brain. The bag is pulled off my head and I have to blink a few times to see anything. The light from the door at the top of the stairs is lighting the basement enough to know I’m going to kill every last one of these wolves. Nearly every cage I see has a female of some sort in it, most are n*ked, a lot are beaten, some look too young to be here and the odd one is round with a pup. I spot Anna in a cage next to a female with whiteblonde hair, compared to Anna she’s a stick, one poke of my finger and she would crumble under her own weight. Anna thankfully looks alright. She doesn’t seem hurt and she’s fully clothed, right now I’m going to take this as a small mercy


The clicking of fingers draws my attention to a man with piercing blue eyes. His greasy hair is sliding over one eye and his nose looks like it’s been broken a couple dozen times

So, we have a genuine Alpha with us,he’s walking around me in a circle like he’s inspecting a car he’s buying. What to do with you?He is talking to himself, so I don’t reply. I just go for an intimidating stare down. I’m guessing without Leo it’s not all that intimidating as he doesn’t stop. Nice new mate mark, can I assume you’re the Alpha who stole her from Max? I heard about that; you have got some balls, Alpha.” 

And who the fuck are you?I say in a small voice

With a laugh he says, well I’m the stains brother. Surely, she told you. about me?” 


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