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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 36

I can’t move


Someone is taking me from the cage, I don’t think I can handle it again. I await the pain, but nothing happens. I feel a blanket being draped over me, it smells of Momma Beth and Fraction. I snuggle further into it, using the blanket as a shield from what is about to happen. It suddenly gets really cold, and I realise I can see the stars, the smell of blood is getting fainter with each step the person takes from the house. When I am laid down on a metal surface, I realise I know the smell of the person holding me, it’s Beta James. The pack came, I can’t believe they came

When I become aware of my surroundings.. I realise I am holding onto a clump of black fur. It takes me longer than I care to admit to realise it’s Leo. His breathing is slow and shallow, almost like he’s asleep. I’m still on the metal slab but we seem to be moving. I can’t seem to care right now: I latch onto his fur with a tighter grip and snuggle deeper into the warm smelling goodness that is all Leo and Fraction.. 

I’m knitting. I have never knitted before but somehow there is a pile of black and white knitted material in front of me. I notice a beeping in the background, I look around and notice a heart monitor beeping away. It’s showing three heart beats, one is strong and beeping away happily, the other keeps stalling as if it can’t quite get going and the last one seems to have long gaps in between like it can’t decide if it wants to keep beeping or not

The room is pale green, there are no windows and no doors, but I don’t feel trapped. The light above me has a fan attached and is doing a slow 

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rotation, it’s doing a vain attempt in cooling the room. I’m sitting in a rocking chair slowly moving back and forth as I knit my black and white bundle. Muddling the colours together to create a shape I can’t identify, if I blur my eyes, it looks almost grey

I don’t know how long I sit in the room listening to the rhythmic beeping of the machine and the swoosh, swoosh, swoosh of the overhead fan. All I know is I need to finish this knitting, it’s really important that I finish.. 

As I run out of wool the room gets really hot, the walls start closing in on me. The heart monitor starts letting out one shrill monotone instead of three separate beats. I can’t catch my breath; I start to panic

When I open my eyes the first thing. I see is the light with a fan attached to it. It’s the same one from my dream, the walls are the same colour pale green as well. I can hear people talking behind the curtain circling my bed

Honestly, I can’t explain it. You’re fully healed Alpha. I don’t know how but I’m glad you are.Doctor Lee, I recognise his voice

And the wolfsbane, why did it have no effect?Fraction sounds tired, he’s all gruff and grumbly. I try to call out to him, but my b*dy isn’t listening to me. I can’t seem to move

I’m sorry I don’t know. I’ve never heard of wolfsbane having no effect, but your blood definitely held the drug.Doctor Lee sounds confused like he’s not used to not having the answers

Alright. Well, what about Anna? Do you know that? It’s been three weeks and she still hasn’t moved.three weeks? I just got here. I try again to call out to Fraction



I cant move 

She wakes up, her eyes are responsive to light, but she just doesn’t seem to want to move or speak. Her blood is clear of the wolfsbane, she has no infection and as far as I can tell she has no internal injuries.” 

So why won’t she move? What about the pup?There’s a pup? Who’s having a pup? I want Fraction to keep speaking but he’s waiting for Doctor Lee. I can hear the rustling of paper and some drawers being opened and closed

Her blood work shows the pup is growing as expected, everything is pointing towards a healthy pregnancy. She’s right on target to give birth in around three months. We got the blood tests back and the pup is without a doubt your heir, Alpha.I’m pregnant? Who gets pregnant after one time? I can’t believe this. I want to be happy but it’s like I’m numb, I can’t feel anything. I think Anna is in shock and that’s why she’s not moving or speaking. All we can do is wait; she will come back to us when she wants to. I am hopeful that Winter is healing her from the inside.” 

I drift off having heard enough. I’m not trapped. I was trapped in the basement. I was trapped while Eve held me down and John thrust in and out of me. I was trapped while Fraction was being beaten above me. I am not trapped now; I can move whenever I want

I try to move but nothing happens

Let me take care of this,Winter says to me


We have been back at Swiftmane for three weeks, I was fully healed after two days. No one can explain it. I almost died and then I woke up and I was healed looking as if I had never been hurt. I haven’t left the 



medical centre since we got back. James is dealing with the Pack stuff. Right now, my Luna needs me

She hasn’t spoken or moved since leaving the basement. Every now and again she opens her eyes but it’s like there is nothing there. I’ve spoken to her. I’ve told her about the pup she is carrying. I’ve told her about the females and how they are all back with their packs except for Eliza. With Alpha Rickson dead there was no pack for her to go back. to. Rick has become really protective of Eliza, having taken her to his quarters and asking for time to help her

I told Anna about Eve and her awaiting Anna in the basement. I feel like Eve should be dealt with by Anna. Eve told me how she held Anna down while John raped her. How she held countless women down because her mate demanded it of her. Mate or not she needs to be dealt with, having a mate does not take away your morals

Any change?James asks as he slowly enters the curtain surrounding Anna’s bed


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