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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 37



They started a few days ago, it was always someone different, but the parting message was always the same. Wake up, just wake up

Oh, sweet girl,it’s Momma Beth, I can feel her hand in mine, what have they done to you? Fraction has gone to take Max to the county border. I think he’s hoping he will sneak back in so he has a reason to kill him. Eve is still sitting in the cells waiting for you, I won’t let anyone near the bitch until you have said your piece. I may or may not have been done and handed her a few slaps, but shush. Don’t tell anyone I told you that. I’ve got your Luna Ceremony all planned out, as soon as you are awake, we will have you officially brought into the pack as the pack Luna. You are going to be amazing Anna. I just know it.I feel her let go of my hand, well I have some triple chocolate chip cookies in the oven, heavy on the white chocolate of course, I best go check them.I feel her place a k*ss on my forehead, Wake up, just wake up Anna.” 

Anna? Anna, can you hear me?Eliza, she sounds more cheerful than I have ever heard her. Oh Anna, you have to wake up. That Alpha of yours is going crazy. He smashed up his office yesterday and Rick had to lock him in because we thought he was going to wreck the whole house. It took six hours for him to calm down. Talking of Rickwell it turns out he’s, my mate. I’ve asked him to reject me, he said he will when I’m stronger. Doctor Lee said a rejection will kill me now, my b*dy is just too weak to handle it. I don’t want a mate; I don’t want

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male telling me what to do every again. Doctor Lee says your pup is healthy, but you need to wake up or when it’s time he will have to do an emergency csection. I know I don’t know you well, but I think I know you well enough to know you will want to bring your own pup into the world.I hear some rustling and then a hushed voice, I have to go, Ricks come to get me. Wake up, just wake up Anna.” 

Hello Luna, can you hear me?I don’t know this voice; the person is moving around the bed. I’m just going to check your vitals. Your heart rate is coming up and your pup looks to bed doing well. We are all excited to have an heir in the pack. We are all kind of hopeful it will calm the Alpha down. Lately he has been angry all the time. He wrecked the coffee shop yesterday because they had no dark roast. It took twelve warriors and Beta James to subdue him. Poor Beta James 

has a broken arm and nose. He needs his Luna.I feel her hand touch mine, Wake up, just wake up Luna.” 

I can hear a whoosh, whoosh and then a heartbeat. And that’s your pup Luna,it’s Doctor Lee, I am happy to tell you you’re having a boy. I would tell Alpha but he’s in the cells. Since you haven’t woken it’s like he’s gone into a constant state of rage. Beta James and Patrick have had no choice but to lock him away, for the pack’s safety.I feel him wipe my stomach and recover me. I’ve been to check on him and he’s doing well physically, mentally he needs his mate and pup to be ok. You need to wake up Luna, just wake up.” 

I’m not sure what it is at first but it’s like a tugging sensation and then butterflies in my stomach. I don’t know why I do it, but my hand slowly moves to my cradle and my rounded stomach. My pup is moving. I can 



feel him moving. I feel a tear roll down my check as I look down at the dome that is now my stomach. My pup, mine and Fractions pup, wer did this. We created life

Luna“?I look up and see Doctor Lee. Someone find Beta James and tell him the Luna is awake!I hear him shout

I feel my bed lifting up and suddenly I’m in a sitting position. I try to speak but all that comes out is a dry rasp, my throat feels like the desert. sand. I see a cup with a straw appear in front of me and I gladly drink from it. When I am done, I lean back and look at Doctor Lee; Where is Fraction?” 

We will take you to him, as soon as Doc gives you the all clear,I hear James say as he steps into the makeshift room

How longI clear my throat, how long have I been out?” 

About a month, Luna.says Doctor Lee, he’s scribbling notes on a chart as he looks at the machines I’m hooked up to

My pup? He’s ok?my hands come up to cradle my stomach

Your pup 

very healthy; I have had you on a drip to ensure your pup gets everything he needs.Doctor Lee makes a final note. I’ll leave you to it.Doctor Lee leaves me and James alone

Where is he?I ask James, he doesn’t ask me to clarify who I am. talking about

In the cells. Each day you didn’t wake up he drew into himself more and more until all that was left was Leo and Leo was angry all the time.He takes a seat next to me. He is comfortable, but we had to lock him up for the pack’s safety.” 

Take me to him, he needs me.James just looks at me. James as 





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