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The Wrath Of The Shadow Wolf novel Chapter 28

Riona and Wright walked into Riona’s office. They are through with the meeting.

“I want to thank you once again for being there in the meeting, dad,” Riona said.

She went to sit on her chair while Wright sat on the visitors' chair right in front of her.

“I don’t see the need of my presence in that meeting Rio. It is something you and Cindy can easily handle” Wright said.

“Dad, your contributions are just what I needed there. I wonder what I would have done without you” Riona replied.

“I barely spoke a word all through girl” Wright retorted.

Wright is right. All through the meeting, he never really said anything after he had welcomed the representatives. In fact, there was not much to discuss in the meeting as it was only for Riona to communicate Rennet’s Aid's acceptance of their proposal to take over Rennet’s Aid's ongoing project after the five years is exhausted. Anyway, Wright felt pride as a fulfilled father seeing his daughter doing exceedingly great in her field as he watch Riona take control of the meeting.

“Dad, I want you to be a part of this, and I felt happy seeing you there, seated right next to me,” Riona said.

“Me too. I must confess that you made me proud in that conference room” Wright admitted.

“I think we should celebrate that. What do you think?” Riona asked.

“Celebrate?” Wright was confused.

“Yes. Cindy and I had decided that we would have some sit out to celebrate our feat today” Riona announced.

“Is there a need to?” Wright asked. “You have on numerous occasions achieved greater feats than this one”

“You are right you know. I have achieved even greater things than this one. But this would be the first that I would have you participate in. See, I don’t know how you see it, but this is not what that can just be relinquished to the corner as nothing” Riona responded.

“If that is the case, then I must say that I am so glad to be a part of this” Wright said.

“So after we are done with the discussions, we would all head out for a glass of wine to celebrate today,” Riona said.

“Good” Wright agreed to Riona's plan.

“I want to discuss Rennet Aid” Wright began.

“What about Rennet Aid dad?” Riona asked.

“I don’t like the fact that it is resting squarely on your shoulders,” Wright said.

“Thanks for thinking about me, but the truth is I am not complaining. I admit that it is a tedious task especially since it has to deal with humans but so far so good, I have been managing just fine” Riona said.

“No matter how you try to look at it, the fact remains that you need an extra hand to help with this” Wright said.

“I already have Cindy. She is qualified and capable” Riona replied.

“Yes, she is. But she is but only a worker. You need someone in the management too” Wright said.

Riona immediately objected to her dad’s suggestion “No dad, we have already discussed this. I am okay with you controlling things from the outside. I would not add you or The Knights-Style to the management of Rennet Aid”.

“I am not talking about me or my company here, Rio,” Wright said.

“Whosoever or whatsoever you are talking of, the fact remains that for now, I need no co-manager. And I promise you that once I do, you will be the first to know” Riona said.

“I insist, Rio,” Wright said.

“Dad” Riona called.

“Yes Rio, I do. You will have to walk with someone. Very soon, you will go to college, and then what happens?” Wright asked.


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