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The Wrath Of The Shadow Wolf novel Chapter 30

Riona is in the school library, she was trying to complete her biology assignment which she intended to submit before the close of school. She was trying to be fast as she has another class in less than fifteen minutes.

She was so engrossed in her task that she was not paying any attention to her environment and whenever any of her classmates or acquaintance passed by and greeted her, she responded without bothering to look up to see who it was.

Even when Riley had passed by her side with her friend, Davina and they had both said hello to Riona, she responded without even knowing that they were the ones greeting her.

When she was done, she stood up and put all her books into her school bag except for her biology textbook which she had earlier kept inside the drawer of the desk she was using. After that, she rushes out of the library as she does not want to be late for her class.


“Riona” a voice called.

It was the close of school and Riona was carrying her school bag and walking along the school premises when she heard someone calling out to her. She looked back and saw that it was Riley that was calling her, and she was running in her direction.

She hesitated before finally agreeing to stop and wait to see what she was been called for. She was sure that Riley was not calling her so they could go home together because they have never gone home together before. So she felt that whatever would make Riley dare to stop her must be very important.

“Hey, Riona,” Riley said.

“You are already here, Riley, why still call my name? Say whatever it is that you want and stop wasting my time” Riona retorted.

Riley ignored her hostility and dips her hands inside her schoolbag and brought out a textbook. It was Riona’s textbook, and she hands the textbook over to Riona.

“You left this in the library Riona. I was hoping to bring it home for you but since I saw you now, I decide to hand it over now” Riley said.

Riona collected the textbook from her and she saw that it was her Biology textbook. She must have forgotten it in the library when she went to do an assignment and even when she packed her books into her school bag, she had not noticed that she had left it.

“So why not just bring it back home rather than stop me here to give it to be?” Riona asked.

Riley hated the fact the Riona was not appreciative but was still been aggressive to her despite her act of goodwill. However, she decided to ignore her harshness and answer her.

“I am not heading home immediately Riona, I and Davina are going to pick up some stuff at the grocery. See she is standing over there” Riona said.

She pointed to where Davina was standing and waiting for her so that Riona would see her for herself but Riona did not even attempt to look in the direction she was pointing to.

“I would not want you to be worried and start looking for it when you get home so that is why I brought it to you now that I saw you,” she said.

Riona listened to all of Riley’s explanations before putting the book inside of her school bag.

“And I was wondering if you would like to go with Davina and me. She can take you home first if you want her to” Riona offered.

“Thanks,” Riona said.

She was completely nonchalant towards Riley. She did not bother to wait for Riley to respond but left her still standing while she walked out of her.

“You are welcome,” Riley said.

She watched as Riona leaves and was not sure whether to be happy or angry for Riona’s attitude.


Riona was sitting at the balcony upstairs and looking over the garden where Maeve and Riley were. She watched as both of them were relaxing and both had a lot of fun in the garden.

As Riona looked on, she wished her mother was still alive and that it was the both of them that were in the garden, playing and having fun.

She hated them for the absence of her mum. And even though this doesn’t make any sense to her, she felt she had to hate them still. To Riona, someone’s got to be blamed for her mother’s absence, and since Maeve and Riley had willingly made themselves available, then they must be blamed for what she suffered from her mother’s death.

Maeve and Riley were not aware that Riona was watching them from the balcony. Maeve had wanted to ask Riona to join them, but knowing how she would react to that, she never bothered to.

She comes out to have some fun and relaxation with Riley whenever she is at home and free from work. It has always been this way between her and Riley as she believes this act strengthens their bond.

“Let’s go to the swing, mummy” Riley said.

“Okay dear, that would be a good idea” Maeve concurred.

They both got up from the ground and went to the swing and they both sat on it and started to swing.

“How high do you think you can go with the swing today mum?” Riley asked as they both began to swing.

“Not too high, I think I would just maintain a low level” Maeve responded.

“Okay mum, I think I will go low too,” Riley said.

“That would be great darling, we can actually have some discussion then,” Maeve said.


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