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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 140

Chapter 140: A Bargain With Chaos 

Lottie POV 

As Astaroth’s words hung in the air, a chill swept through me, freezing my thoughts in place. I want your daughter.The very idea seemed absurd, impossible even. Yet, there he sat atop the altar, the picture of innocence, as if he hadn’t just demanded my firstborn. His crimson eyes burned with an unsettling intensity, his offer dangling before us like a forbidden fruit

I glanced over at Knox and Kane, my mates, never needing the 

reassurance of the mate bond more than I did at this moment

Their faces mirrored my shock, their expressions a mixture of disbelief and rage- something I understood

How could we possibly trust a demon? Even if he claimed to be 

on our side

But then, amidst the whirlwind of emotions, Astaroth’s next words sliced through my turmoil like a knife

I will be her mate!he murmured, his voice a sinister whisper in the depths of this helllike world, So, you seeI ask that your promise her to me when the time comes.” 

Not a chance!Kane spat the words, bouncing around the 


room like an angry wasp

Daughter.The word echoed in my mind, sending shivers down my spine. A day ago, I hadn’t even known I was pregnant, let alone that it was a girl. And here was this demon, casually 

informing me of the gender of my unborn child as if it were a trivial detail and requesting I hand her over to him and his bloodstained 


Something else, ask for something else.Knox demanded when I was unable to find my voice. I stumbled backwards, my gaze darting between Knox and Kane. They were already on the verge of exploding, their fists clenched, their jaws tight with fury. I knew I needed to say something to defuse this situation. Or pray to the Moon Goddess who currently hated me, that he was joking

Maybe you would be better praying to god!Astaroth laughed into my mind. Because I am not joking. I need this to happen!” 

When I couldn’t find the words to answer or force my body to move and be a comfort to my mates. I sucked down the remaining bit of air my lungs could handle, seeing Knox and Kane lung forward to confront Astaroth. Tears filled my eyes as a wave of 

dread washed over me because I had seen Astaroth throw Chase around like a ragdoll with a simple flick of his wrist. I knew the damage he could cause

No! Not like this!I gasped, finally finding my voice as my eyes found Chase lying motionless on the ground, a silent reminder of 


Chapter 140: A Bargain With Chaos 

the power Astaroth wielded. His strength was incomprehensible, his influence undeniable. And in the midst of the chaos, I found myself grappling with a single, haunting question

Why my daughter? Why her when he clearly had so much power

Why?I finally managed to choke out, my voice was barely above a whisper. But amid the chaos, my question was lost, drowned out by the clash of flesh hitting flesh, bones breaking and the almighty roar of anger

Kane had lunged himself at Astaroth, pulling him from the altar while Knox pummelled him with punch after punch of solid muscle. It was a brutal attack, and one I knew Astaroth was allowing to happenfurther proof of his sick and twisted ways

Stop! Please!I screamed as the battle raged on. I couldn’t help but wonder if there was any truth to Astaroth’s offer. Was he my daughter’s oneday mate? Because he sure as hell was going to a lot of trouble to get us to agree, including taking one hell of a beating

If so, maybe there was some hope of bargaining with the devil himself

If he really is our daughter’s mate, then there is every possibility we can get her to reject him, refuse his advances!I screamed through mindlink to my mates, hoping they could hear 

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Chapter 140: A Bargain With Chaos 

  1. me. My eyes widened with the first trace of hope, seeing Kane freeze a little

If we school her on his true nature, the evil that resided in the very foundation of his bones, we can guide her. Help her to make the right choice! IF he really is her mate!I added, but, Kane had already joined his brother, the pair taking it in turns to punch a bloodied and battered Astaroth to the ground. Shattering any hope I had that I could reach them privately

She will be allowed to make her choice!Astaroth protested into the buzzing space of my mind, as if Knox and Kane were not launching a brutal attack on his body

That is all I ask, that when the time comes you allow her to make her own mind up, you do not stand in her way.As Astaroth’s chilling words echoed in my head, I felt a shiver race down my spine, sending icy tendrils of fear snaking through my veins. The notion that our daughter held the key to his future happiness seemed unfathomable, yet there was an undeniable truth lingering in the depths of my mind, a truth I couldn’t bring myself to accept

I shook my head in denial, muttering a soft nounder my breath while I instinctively placed a protective hand over my stomach as if shielding our unborn child from his sinister intentions. Tears welled up in my eyes as I glanced desperately at Knox and Kane, silently pleading for support, for a shred of hope in this dark and twisted situation

Chapter 140: A Bargain With Chaos 

But before I could find solace in their eyes, Astaroth moved with a flick of his wrists, pinning both Kane and Knox against the wall with a force that left me breathless. Irritation crackled in the air around him, his impatience palpable as he took slow, deliberate steps closer to me


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