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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 143

Chapter 143 I Am No Liar

Knox POV 

That’s enough from you!Astaroth grunted, flicking his wrist in my direction, my body slamming into the wall with such force I felt a trickle of blood seep from my nose

Maybe I wasn’t invisible after all, he was just censoring my actions from them. Crafty, but smart

Knox!Lottie screamed as she rose to her feet, but Astaroth 

was quicker stepping in front of her to block her path

No! He is fine, but we need to have this conversation because time is running out! And I will be damned if I don’t get what is owed to me.Astaroth bellowed around the walls of the cathedral, rubble 

crumbled from the ceiling from the force of his anger

Sucking down my defeat, I watched through pained eyes as he continued his speech, he was definitely comfortable being the centre of attention and enjoyed having all eyes on him

Now.. back to the question. Ask yourself why would I be interested in Havoc’s offspring? A wolf that has been hidden? That 

is as chaotic and ravenous as” 


Chapter 143 I Am No Liar

SHUT UP!I bellowed through my own raging mind as my outrage simmered beneath the surface, not wanting him to finish. his sentence. His lips split into a smile as he turned to look at me. I could feel Havoc’s anxiety seeping through our bond like poison, twisting and gnawing at my insides. It made no sense, yesterday he had been ready to rip everyone apart, this demon included. Even earlier, he was willing to fight him to get to Lottie

Or was he?Asataroth teased my mind before he looked back at Lottie, while he played images into my mind of the harrowing vision of my girl stepping through the portal, while Kane tumbled to the ground from Astaroth’s attack. I knew at that moment that there was no choice. Kane had people to help him

Lottie didn’t

She was alone with the filth that had screwed with MY mind! What could he do to her? To our pups

“We should have saved her,I whispered to Havoc

It’s ok!Lottie whispered, her eyes lifted to meet my gaze, sympathy filling those sapphire hues I adored. I knew without asking that Astaroth was showing her the same images he was showing me

It’s not! It was something Havoc could have done. Easily!Astaroth grinned slyly. However he didn’t, he chose to help Kane. Choicesmore choices.Astaroth shared


Chapter 143 I Am No Liar

Sucking down my reply, I sighed because at the time I thought it was the brotherly bond with my twin that Havoc was feeding off. But now, when I recall the split seconds before: Havoc was scared! Not of the demon, but of something else

The truth!Astaroth chuckled with malice

Come on, buddy,I murmured, into my mind as he remained hidden, refusing to surface even at my desperate inner plea, a silent testament to the fear that Astaroth had him gripped in. Which only aggravated me further

Pussy!I snarled, my voice tinged with frustration as I reached out to my wolf, trying to provoke a reaction from him, but still, there was no response

If you won’t tell him, Havoc, I will!Astaroth invited, his laughter echoed in the room as he approached me, a mocking chorus that grated against my last nerve with every step he took

With a jaw clenched tight with fury, I forced myself to focus on Lottie, as she turned from me, her eyes filled with questions she was too scared to ask as she crouched beside Chase, her presence the only light in the darkness that threatened to consume us all whole. I drank in the sight of her, the fierce determination in her eyes, the way her hands trembled with barely suppressed emotion as she tended to her new friend

Baby girl!I managed to choke out, but even as I tried to lose 




Chapter 143 I Am No Liar

myself in her presence, Astaroth’s taunts lingered like a shadow, his eyes boring into me with a malevolent intensity that sent a chill down my spine

Do you think that the love you all share will be enough to beat me? That somehow you will find a way? You won’t!Astaroth taunted into the tense room. Kane’s horse cry filled the room, the sound like nails on a chalkboard to me. I had always hated the ideal of him suffering! The way our girl’s back tightened told me that she too felt the same

So pathetic!Astaroth snorted. While his words got Lottie’s attention as she spun to look at him, her lips pursed tightly, her eyes darting to Kane, who remained wrapped in a world of torture at Astaroth’s pleasure. She was undoubtedly holding back. whatever it was she wanted to say, no doubt out of fear the demon would take out his anger on us

You either agree, or the moon goddess takes her payment! And you lose everything!He continued to mock, letting out a sigh. I watched my girl step into the demon, her eyes filled with a furious


I am done with the charade Astaroth, what is it you are trying to tell us? You want us to make a decision, you want us to agree to hand over our child! Our daughter” 

Knox already has! I just need you to promise to not stand in her way.Lies, I hadn’t agreed, at least not willingly, and I could 


Chapter 143 I Am No Liar


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