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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 144

Chapter 144: Hidden Agendas 

I will be watching!Astaroth’s last words shattered through my mind as he left in a whirlwind of magic and chaos, the lights had exploded with the force of his magic, leaving us in a dimly lit room. I could feel the tension thickening with every passing moment. Astaroth’s warning echoed in my mind like a constant refrain: Keep silent or face the consequences.’ 

And so, I remained still and silent, observing the chaos unfolding before me

No!Alpha Leigh screamed the second Astaroth’s evil grip released us from our frozen hold. Alphasanguish was palpable as he grappled with the loss of his sons, daughterinlaw and grandpups

We need to get them back!His voice trembled with emotion. as he struggled to contain his grief. NOW!” 

We will, but you need to calm down!Luna Laura, ever the supportive wife, reached out to him, offering solace in the face of despair. We will find them!Their attempts were pointless, there would be no bringing them back until Astaroth was ready


Chancing a glance at Anthony, wondering how my partner in crime was fairing, I felt my stomach clench seeing his emotionless eyes meet mine. As he did, I noticed his face was still bruised and battered and realised somewhat unbelievably that the demon hadn’t offered him the same deal he had me

Why?Flint asked Fuck knows!I snapped inwardly. I aint magic, I dunno what the bastard is up to!” 

Alright!Flint grumbled, his mood darkening as he simmered back down into the back of my mind, allowing me to focus back on Anthony. His scowl told me he still felt like he was blameless in the events of the last 24 hours. Reminding me that there was no saving the once proud Beta. His ship was sinking and I had to distance myself from it before it dragged me under too

Lilly’s bitter laughter shattered the fragile semblance of peace, eliciting a wave of anger from her parents

What do you find so funny?Our Alpha roared, shoving his chair back with such force it slammed into the wall. Luna, again quick on his heels, with her hand resting on his elbow to pull his attention back to her

The fact that Kane and Knox can do no wrong!Lilly laughed childishly. I had always hated Lilly and never understood why Lottie surrounded herself with such shallow, stupid girls. Although those shallow girls had been helpful of late


Chapter 144: Hidden Agendas

You think this is their fault?Her mother asked, confusion lacing her tone. You think they wanted to be taken by that demon?She continued to question her immature daughter

I think it is convenient that at the exact moment, they were meant to answer the questions I put to themthey vanish! Questions that should not be ignored.Sebastian announced anger, cutting his tone

This is unbelievable!Laura snapped, turning her back on Sebastian and her daughter to look her mate in the eyes. I fought to suppress a smirk at the shambles this once proud family found themselves entangled with. I knew that any display of amusement on my part would be met with suspicion. I could feel eyes boring into me, and swallowed the lump forming in my throat to look up, my eyes met with Alpha Adam’s keen gaze, observing me, his curiosity evident. It seemed he had sensed something different about me, something I had been desperately trying to conceal

This is why I wanted you to stay hidden!I growled at Flint who barked a laugh in reply. Ever the antagonist

Michael..Adam questioned. But before he could ask me anything further, Sebastian’s voice thundered through the room, cutting through the tension like a knife. His anger tangible, a tempest ready to consume everything in its path

I think you hide something Alpha Leigh, I think you all do. I do not buy that the Moon Goddess appeared to them, I do not believe 


that Charlotte is a sweet gin, innocent of blame for this mess. пе seethed pointing at his mate who smirked devilishly at me then up 

to her mate with a nod

What is that Connie told you, baby?Sebastian mocked into the room, his eyes landing on me with cunning intent

That Mike fucked Char yesterday!She offered with triumph. Not exactly true, but like fuck was I denying it. I told you; she was a whore!Lilly added with a laugh, something that I inwardly wanted to share with her but couldn’t risk

Was?Liam quizzed, his tone sharper then I assume he meant because everyone looked at him with concern. Why are we talking about her like she is dead? Or not coming back!He added, his tone levelling out

Come on, would you wanna come back and face the music.” Lilly giggled childishly

She is just a silly jealous girl! Ignore her LiamHer mother snapped shaking her head in disgust. I had told Connie about Lottie and I, in the hopes it would get back to Lilly and she would use it against her old friend. However, I never believed for a second. that, that little titbit of information could do so much damage, more so now that Lottie is supposedly pregnant

Connie has no reason to lie!Sebastian announced backing the girl’s claims with conviction


Chapter 144: Hidden Agendas 

Except she does.” Alpha Leigh added furiously. And at that moment, I realised that beneath the facade of unity and family bonds, each of us harboured our own hidden agendas. Yet, it was clear that Senestaian’s and Lilly’s aims were somewhat aligned with mine

Destroying my bitch of an ex and everything she held dear

As the conversation veered into heated exchanges and veiled threats, I remained a silent observer, my mind whirling with possibilities. Astaroth’s offer loomed large in my thoughts, a tantalising proposition fraught with danger and betrayal


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