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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 11

(Kaden POV)

"Mmm, baby girl," I mumble softly as my neck detects familiar

pecks, and my limbs shudder from the gratifying sensation.

"Good morning, Daddy," she voices hoarsely against my skin, her

warm breath trickling like water, and she plants a few more kisses.

"Good morning, love," I respond while my eyes are still closed. My

cock twitches; a groan escapes past my parted lips. The eyelids

that conceal my eyes lift, revealing my vision to the love of my life

who's naked and straddling my hips. Instantly, my lips curve into a

smile. A smirk sneaks across her lips. I attempt to capture her in

my embrace, but I sense that I'm restrained. I look to my wrists

and notice that each of them are tied with rope to the bedposts


"Fuck. Baby?" My eyes return to hers. "Why am I tied up?"

She chuckles softly, and a wicked smile forms on her face. "I

thought we can try something new." The palm of her hand reaches

for one of my bulging biceps to pet. A shiver bolts down my spine.

"God," she breathes, "You're so hot tied up."

"Mmm, sweetheart, please untie me. Let me touch you, I need you,"

I beg her.

The pad of her thumb presses to my lips, halting any further

words. I inhale sharply, then kiss her thumb.

"Let me worship you, Daddy, please. It's the least I could do in

return for the countless times you've fucked me well."

"Oh, baby girl, you don't have to return the favor—"

Her lips replace her thumb as she kisses me, parting my lips with

her tongue to greet mine. Our tongues graze one another, adding

the fuel to my carnal desires for her. I softly groan in her mouth.

She cups my throat and pulls away from my lips, leaving me

hungry for more of her. "You're going to be a good boy and enjoy

me, understand?"

"Yes, baby." I lick my lips. Her eyes darken with lust. She's so

fucking sexy taking control, fuck.

Her lips plant kisses along my neck and down my chest, where

she stops to thoroughly lick and suck each of my nipples. A moan

leaves my mouth; my limbs quiver from the divine sensation. Her

lips continue their journey down my abdomen, kissing then licking

the etched lines on my skin.

"You're such a good girl," I breathe.

I sense her smile against my abs. Her trail of kisses progresses

farther south, and my breath hitches. She skips over my thick,

needy length, engorged with desire just for her, so that her lips

appreciate my legs. Her lips travel leisurely slow down one of my

thighs, causing my cock to twitch again in excitement and

satisfaction. The rest of my leg is kissed, all the way down to the

sole of my feet. Jesus, baby. My other foot and leg receive the

same sensual treatment, and I'm obliged to moan for her,

signaling how much I enjoy her.

My heart races from the combination of impatience and elation as

I expect her to direct her attention to my needy cock, and I can't

wait any longer for her to do so. However, she surprises me as she

brings her horny wet center to my face. "Taste me, Daddy," she


"Gladly, baby girl."

Sitting on my face, her delectable pussy is given to my mouth to

devour, but just before I eat the life out of her, I spit on her sex organ.

My tongue then licks her folds and every nook and cranny,

ensuring that she is thoroughly tasted. Her moans and pantings

drive me to consume and pleasure her more as my tongue buries

deeper inside her, gaining the sweet and intoxicating taste of her

nectar. My tongue plays with her clitoris, flicking and circling.

"Oh my god, Daddy, fuck," she whimpers, her fingers running

through my hair and grabbing then pulling the strands.

She backs away without any notice while I'm lost in her pussy. I

feel her juices drip down my chin. "Baby girl, mmm, you're so

delicious. Bring that pussy back."

Her thumb wipes the running juices and brings them back to my

mouth; I suck on her thumb. "I want to worship your horny cock

now, Daddy," she whispers and sets into position, lying down

beside me and lowering her head to my pulsating member. Her

supple lips arrive at my cock that always crave attention from her.

She kisses down my length, and my eyes remain locked onto the

gorgeous sight of her. My balls receive a few kisses. I lick my lips.

Her hand wraps around my length, which pulsates in her bare

palm from the satisfying warmth.

"God, you're always so horny, Daddy."

"You're just so god damned beautiful. That's why."

She smiles. Her thumb circles the tip where she collects my pre-

cum. She brings her coated thumb to her mouth to lick off my

fluid. Oh my god, I love her so much.

Her head dips back so her tongue can lick the tip of my cock,

collecting more of my pre-cum. The feeling of not being able to

run my fingers through her ravishing hair and grab it while she

tastes my necessitous manhood kills me, yet arouses me more

than usual. She spits on my length, and her lips surround it, then

she bobs her head.

As time passes, I buck my hips in attempt to fuck her pretty

mouth. "Come on, baby, I need you to choke on Daddy's big cock."

She listens and slides her mouth farther down my shaft, taking

every single inch I have to offer her, so her throat can feel it

throbbing just for her. Her licentious act repeats a few more times

to my heart's content.

My length is released from her mouth's embrace, and her hand

strokes it slowly, while her other hand fondles my balls. Her


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