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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 33

(Annabel POV)

I dashed out of my bed for the shower, hastening to get ready for him. I emerged some time later, feeling refreshed and wearing nothing but my navy blue bathrobe. I ran down the stairs, my footsteps echoing. I unlocked the front door, then returned to my room to straighten the bed, arrange the pillows, and lay comfortably against them.

My heart was pounding as soon enough I heard the sound of a car enter the driveway, followed by my front door opening and closing. My breath caught and I tried to steady it. I was already wet from the anticipation of him. I unfastened my robe and let the soft fabric part across my naked body, while posing my hand behind my head, which felt a bit over the top - a bit Playboy centerfold, I admit, but I knew Kaden would love it.

His hurried footsteps echoed in the same hall, and a moment later he pushed open my bedroom door. His eyes were wide with shock and delight. He drank in the sight before him, admiring my every curve. I saw his mouth open ever so slightly.

I teased his senses by slowly caressing my hip with my fingers, while sliding one of my smooth thighs against the other as I crossed my legs over my eager clit. "What kept you?" I asked in the most breathless voice I could muster.

"I ran at least three red lights to get here," Kaden said as he tore off his jacket and threw it to the ground, while struggling to take off his jeans. He was so full of adrenaline and testosterone that his hands were shaking. I loved watching him strip, and I had to slip a finger over my hot swollen clit — I sighed. This display only served to drive him wilder until he was falling to the ground in a mass of tangled clothes, like a desperate hungry animal.

"You are so hot when you touch yourself," his voice came through amidst the angry flapping of fabric being thrown around. When at last he stood up, he was as naked as I was, and he took a moment to pause, to give me the chance to admire him.

"Hmm, come here love," I beckoned. He was so gorgeous with his toned torso, smooth skin and cock standing at perfect attention.

My thighs opened and I reached my arms out to him; he pounced on me without hesitation. I squealed with delight as I felt his warm body pressed up against me. His lips bit into mine and the smell of his cologne made me moan.

"Annabel..." he whispered my name as he kissed my neck and it made me immediately tighten my legs around him. His lips pressed into my collar and down to the soft skin of my breasts, finding their way to my nipples. With both hands he squeezed my breasts together, kissing each in turn and sending shockwaves through me.

"I missed you," I told him. His eyes tore away from my tits and he looked at me with a broad smile.

"Me too. Damnit!"

He buried his face in my breasts again, and I laughed. "What are you in the mood for?" he asked when he came up for air.

That was the question, wasn't it? I didn't have an answer for what I wanted; I just wanted.

He crawled up my body until his nose was almost touching mine. He looked me in the eyes and deepened his voice. "I think I'm going to put my mouth on your wet cunt, and taste you until you're shaking on my tongue."

My pussy clenched hard at his words. My heart was racing and as soon as he said it, I knew in that moment it was all that I yearned for in the world. Somehow "please..." managed to escape my lips even as most of my blood was leaving my head.

He crawled down my body, letting his mouth mark his passage, and trapped one of my nipples between his lips, pinching it, and sending a shiver down my spine and causing my back to arch. When he descended to my soft tummy I felt his arm wrap around me from underneath, holding me tight.

He always know how to electrify me. My breathing grew erratic and shallow. My hands and fingers didn't know where to turn first, desiring to feel his skin, to entangle themselves in his hair, or to touch those parts of myself where he was absent.

Then he reached my legs, and teased my clit by deliberately not kissing it! He sucked on my inner thighs one at a time, drawing closer to my pussy before pulling away.

"Kaden!" I whined, which only made him chuckle.

When his hunger to taste me got the better of him, he pushed back my legs, opening me completely to him. I felt that unmistakable mix of satisfaction, relief, and excitement that came with the first contact of his mouth on my clit. My juices mixed with his wet tongue and I felt them trickle down my ass, soaking the bed sheet.

His torso twisted under me to get comfortable between my thighs, and my breathing finally began to stabilize as my initial excitement transformed into a pleasurable trance, my muscles going limp as I focused all my attention on the experience of his tongue working its rhythm. I wove my fingers through his spiky hair.

My other hand rubbed one of my nipples. I was in heaven.

I don't know how long the moment lasted as I lay there being tasted. But soon the pressure began to build deep inside me. And then..


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