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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 38

I started to move again, and the ropes rubbed against the sensitive areas on my body, stimulating my pussy, my ass, and especially my clit. The sensations were very arousing, and I felt myself getting wet. Once I'd retrieved the water, I walked back in and handed him one. Taking me by surprise, he touched the cold plastic to my breast. I shivered from more than just the cold; my nipple was exquisitely sensitive, and I felt an intense tingle course through me that reverberated all the way down to my vagina. My whole body felt like it was on fire from the sensitivity and the compression of the rope. My pussy was a hot, damp mess and I knew my secretions were soaking into the rope. I could smell my arousal and, as it turned out, so could he.

"You're really enjoying this, aren't you?" he said with something between a smile and a smirk on his face.

A deep blush broke over my face.

I didn't know how to answer him. My face was as red from his taunting as my breasts were from the rope that he'd tightly wound around them. "You're correct, daddy, I'm wet."

He was walking around me, inspecting me, his eyes roaming up and down my body like I was some sort of animal.

He gave my ass and my thighs a couple of light whacks with his hand. I stood still, accepting what he was giving me. I suddenly wondered how I would feel if it actually was my father spanking me, now that I knew how submissive I was and how turned on I might get from that. My pussy spasmed and I felt my juices running down the insides of my thighs.

He gave my ass and my thighs several more smacks, harder ones.

My nipples were now painfully erect and the large room was taking in the scent of my vagina.

He broke into a little smile and gently ran his fingers through my hair.

It had felt like I was seconds away from tears, but then I broke into a little smile.

He leaned in and we exchanged a little kiss. "Are you ready to continue?"

"Yes, daddy, I am."

He picked up a shorter length of rope and tied my wrists together securely behind my back. Then he sat on the couch and pointed to the space on the floor between his legs. I knew what he wanted, and I walked over and knelt on the floor. Just like before, that movement caused the ropes, now wet with my secretions, to rub against my pussy, my clit, and my asshole, and I became even more aroused. Once I'd knelt between his legs, he pointed again, this time to the bulge in his tight leather pants, and again I knew what was required of me. After several attempts using my teeth, I'd only managed to work the zipper an inch or so.

"You have been doing this for long, is that the best you can do?" he said harshly.

"I'm ... ummm ... I'm trying, daddy."


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