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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 49

(Kol's POV)

We had just gotten back from a friend's wedding. They had a nice ceremony on a golf course under some trees and then a party afterwards inside the club house.

We got home and snuggled in bed. It was the first time all day we had to ourselves. After some much needed kissing and fondling, Kat said, "I bought you a present."

I was pleasantly surprised when she showed it to me. It was made of three gold links interwoven together in a precise and intricate fashion making it about an inch thick. I looked closer and saw the word 'Katerina' etched over and over again on each of the gold links.

"It's pretty," I said holding it.

"Let me put it on you," she smiled. I held my wrist out and she giggled. "No silly, it is a cock ring." She pulled the covers back and moved down to my crotch. I spread my legs giving her plenty of access. I had never seen a cock ring before.

She opened it up and looped the gold jewelry around my scrotum and pulled the ends together, trapping my cock and balls away from my body. She clasped it shut, gave it a gentle tug to ensure that it was securely fastened and admired the view.

"That's better," she said. "Now you will think of me all the time," she said with a smile.

"Honey...but I do think about you all the time ." I reached down and fondled the ring. It was actually pretty comfortable. It was snug, but that was the way it was supposed to be. It put tension around my cock, pulled my awareness to my crotch. I was not used to having something there, something I could feel like that. Much better than the previous present she gave me.

"So...what do you think?" she asked.

"I think it's kind of sexy," I said feeling myself becoming aroused.

She noticed my excitement and slipped her hand around my rapidly expanding cock. "Now that's what I like to see," she said pumping my cock. The ring accentuated the feelings. And after I got hard, the ring kept my erection really hard. She leaned over and danced her tongue over my nipple as she continued to stroke me.

Now this was getting good. Everything seemed to happen twice as fast and twice as good.

"Umm...you are so hard! Climb up on my chest. I want to see my present."

I swung my leg over her and straddled her mid section. My cock was so hard. The ring kept my attention on my cock, which was right before her eyes. One of her hands went around my cock while the other played with my balls. "Your cock looks so cute, "she smiled. "I own this now...it belongs to me."

"It's going to be more than cute if you keep that up," I said rapidly approaching climax. She pumped that much harder. "Oh gees..." I moaned. Not only did it feel great, but it was terribly erotic. Her hand was a blur. "I'm...going...to..."

She pointed my cock at her breasts just as I exploded covering them in my semen. It was a powerful orgasm. I really came buckets. That ring made all the difference in the world.

"Suck my nipples," she cried pulling my head down to her breasts. I found my face mashed against her breast. I could feel the warm, thick cum I had just covered them with. In all the excitement, I just slipped my lips around her nipple and teased it with my tongue tasting my semen.

She bucked underneath me as she felt my tongue playing with her nipple. "Oh that feels good. Lick it honey...lick it all up," she cried.

I ran my tongue all over her breast licking and teasing, getting my first big taste of semen.

"More...do it some more...almost there," she cried. There was something in the tone of her voice. I could feel her body undulating underneath me. She was really, really excited.

I took a nice, long lick of her breast gathering a huge wad on my tongue. It was then I realized the source of her excitement. It was me eating the semen. It was driving her crazy. I became more aggressive, making slurping noises to drive it home.

"The other one...quick!" I moved to her other breast. It looked like a snow capped mountain. Her nipple was so hard poking up from the nice, warm semen that covered it.

I ran my tongue from the bottom of her breast up to her nipple letting the semen gather on my tongue. I flicked my tongue across that hard nipple and pulled my head up so she could see the semen in my mouth. I swallowed it and moaned.

She watched, her eyes glued to what I was doing. Seeing me swallow the semen was too much for her. She closed her eyes and turned her head. "Ohhhhhh God." It was driving her crazy.

It didn't taste bad. And given the effects it was having on her just motivated me to do more. I ran my tongue all over her breast looking for more. Just about the time I was through, she climaxed. And boy did she climax. She let out this high pitched groan that came from her very soul. We fell into each other's arms and drifted off to sleep.

I slept the entire night with that cock ring on.


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