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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 51

I had to decide what to say in response, and I decided to put him off. "I really, really need to feel your mouth on me," I told him. "Give me what I need and then I'll tell you."

"Get on the bed on your back and spread 'em," was his next order, and I quickly complied.

He stripped off all his clothes and lay between my legs. There was no hesitation in his movement. He quickly got into the bed and dove between my open legs. There was no reluctance and no indecision as he sank his tongue deep inside me.

"Oh, God," I moaned. "Yes, baby, just like that."

I roughly squeezed my thighs together around his head while he licked the walls of my vagina. Almost involuntarily, I began to grind my pussy into his tongue and mouth. He must not have liked my more aggressive movements, because he quickly took control of me again by wrapping his strong arms around my thighs, which effectively immobilized me. Witnessing his subtle authority only made me more aroused.

"My clit, baby, my clit, please ..." I moaned. "Get me there, please."

He withdrew his tongue from me and began sucking on the hard little nub between my legs while his hands moved up to my breasts and he started roughly pawing on them. A few seconds later, he squeezed both of my erect nipples, and the combination of pain and pleasure was intoxicating.

"Oh, fuck, more ... God, please ... more, I need more ..."

He pressed his tongue hard on my clit and I exploded; I screamed so loudly. Just like I'd taught him, he withdrew his tongue from me and gave me a few seconds to recover. Once my breathing had returned to somewhat normal, I looked between my legs and our eyes met.

"I want more," I said lustfully.

He gently bit my inner thigh and then lightly kissed the area that his teeth had just been. "Tell me another secret," he said in a demanding tone.

"Please, daddy," I begged. "I need to feel your mouth again."

"No," he said sternly. "You'll get pleasure when I decide to give it to you, not before."

My lust-addled brain refused to form a coherent thought. I loved the control he was forcing me to accept, but I wanted his mouth back on me. So I chose to reveal something small, something simple that would move him along.

"On our last date, I wanted you to take control of me like this, but I didn't think you were ready for it," I admittedly shyly. "You've surprised me, acting this way, showing me this side of your personality."

He thought for a moment. "To be honest, I didn't know if you'd like it, but I thought that it wouldn't hurt to try. I knew if this wasn't something you didn't like, you'd tell me."

My face split into a little grin. "I like it, I like seeing a different side of you."

I lovingly ran my hands through his hair. "You don't regret any of it, do you?"

"No, you were perfect with me."

"I was afraid of messing you up, or doing something wrong."

I romantically ran my hand over his face.

We exchanged little smiles, then his expression changed and he got back into his new role, one I knew we were both enjoying. "What do you want me to do to you now?" he said in a more demanding tone.

I thought of asking him to go down on me again, but I needed more. "I want to feel that big cock inside me again," I said in a low, slutty tone.

Taking me by surprise, he gave the inside of my thigh a semi-hard slap and I let out a low, deep moan. "One more secret, or I won't fuck you."

"Please baby, I need you," I cooed. "No more questions, no more secrets," I begged.

"You're going to be waiting a while then, aren't you?" he said sternly.

His forceful tone turned me on more than he'll ever know.

"What's it going to be? I'll make you wait all night if I have to."

I knew that was probably true. He wanted me, just as much as I wanted him, but I could tell he loved this little game he was making me play. Finally, I relented and gave in to him.

"Your cum tasted sweet."

His eyes got wide. "It did?" He sat up and got on his knees between my open legs.

I seductively ran my hand over his chest. "The pineapple juice sweetens the taste of your semen, honey."

"I ... ummm ... I didn't know that, I've just always liked drinking it."

I inwardly smiled. I've taught you everything you know, baby, but not everything I know.

Without giving me a warning, he took his erect cock in his hand and ran the head up and down the lips of my vagina. I let out a low, deep grunt when he slid himself into me, all the way to the hilt, in one long, powerful thrust.

"Oh, God," I moaned in ecstasy.

He worked himself in and out of me in slow, steady, deep thrusts.

"Yeah, baby, just like that, it feels so good," I whispered.

I tried to wrap my legs around his torso, but he quickly pushed them down and back onto the mattress. "No, kitten, we're doing this the way I want," he said forcefully.

His actions and his tone surprised me, but they shouldn't have. Every second that passed between us he was taking more control of me, and it was as if I could see him coming into his own. Roughly, he grabbed my thighs, held them up so my bottom was up and off the bed, and pounded me hard and fast. Instantly, my body began to climb.


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