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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 62

I woke at sunrise, but not because of the sun—she had taken me into her mouth as she cupped my balls. I came and she swallowed.

We took a shower together and dried each other.

She stared at me and her eyes became teary. Two hours later, we left the bedroom and made breakfast together.

Our sex life was beyond description. She would try anything and everything with me. She was a talker and a screamer—I always knew what gave her pleasure—and kinky in her own little way.

(Annabel POV)

The bed dips beside me and a soft, gentle hand strokes over my cheeks.

"Shhh shhh. Hey hey. Annabell. Baby." Kaden soothes.

"I- need- you." I sob, "don't- leave- me!" I can't control what I'm saying or doing. I'm not in the driving seat.

"Shhh. I'm not going-"

"You did! You left me! Vulnerable. Alone." I retort through my breakdown.

"Oh baby. I'm so sorry! I should've thought. I'm back. I'm here. I won't leave you, ok? You're safe. I promise you're safe with me. Always."

"I don't think you're ready for this baby. You haven't recovered enough.." He trails off.. He sounds? Disappointed?

"I am! Please! Don't give up! I need this. Daddy please?!" I exclaim, my resolve taking over my pain and panic, "give me this. If not ever again, just this once. I- I- I can't sleep. I can't eat. I can't do anything but think. Take it away Daddy. Please!?" My voice is getting higher and higher, more irrational with each passing second.

"Ok ok baby, calm down. I can't see you like this. Breathe! If you can calm down, I will reconsider."

I shake my head, "I can't. I won't. Do something. I can't stop thinking. Make it go away!"

Will this be my own form of psychological therapy?

I'm the psychologist here!

It looks that way..


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