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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 69

(Annabel POV)

"Are you okay now with everything that happened this afternoon?"

"I took a deep breath, "Yes, I am, Kaden," I said softly.

"Good, let's get a shower and get something to eat. I have something fun planned for us tonight."

He took my hand and we walked into the bathroom and took off our robes. We stepped into the shower and I watched as he stood under the hot water.

I took a few seconds to admire his wet body. He must have spent so much time in the gym, I thought. I liked that he trimmed his pubic area because I hated getting hairs in my mouth. Of course, what I loved most about his physical features was his cock. He had a large, circumcised head, and the shaft was long and thick and felt amazing inside me.

I felt him take my hand and pull me towards him, which interrupted my admiration of his body. He pulled me under the water with him and we kissed softly, the warm water running over our bodies.

He broke our kiss and took the loofah, poured body wash on it, and began to run it over my body, being extra gentle with my sore bottom that thankfully had almost fully recovered from my earlier spanking. He carefully washed my breasts and vagina as I watched him drinking in my body while he bathed me.

He stepped back and allowed me to rinse the soap away. I curiously watched him grab the body wash and pour some into his hand. I watched as he rubbed the soap onto my strip of pubic hair above my vagina, and I began to realize what he intended to do. He reached for his razor as I apprehensively opened my legs wide. I watched as he carefully ran the razor over my small strip of hair until he had removed it completely. Thankfully, I had shaved the small hairs that grew around the lips of my vagina the night before, so he didn't feel it necessary to shave me further.

He leaned in and kissed me and said, "Thank you for letting me do that."

I wasn't sure of the reason, but obviously, it was important to him that I didn't have pubic hair, and more than anything, I wanted to please him and make him happy.

"You're welcome, Kaden" I said softly.

I took the loofah and poured body wash on it and began bathing him. As he turned to wash the soap from his body, I noticed that my gentle scrubbing had caused his cock to grow semi-erect. I saw that he was staring at me while I watched his growing erection. He smiled at me and I instantly knew what he wanted.

I squatted in front of him and put a hand on his muscled thigh to steady myself because I didn't want to fall due to the slick shower floor. I used my other hand to grasp him and gently pull back and forth, and only after a couple of strokes he was fully hard and a large drop of pre-cum had already appeared on the head.

I extended my tongue and ran it up through the slit, tasting the clear fluid that had dripped out of the head of his cock. It reminded me of how much I'd missed having him in my mouth. I felt him scoot back against the wall to steady himself as the warm water of the shower poured over us. He gasped as I took him into my mouth and slowly began to work him in and out.

I felt his hands start to gently run through my wet hair as I worked him in deeper, feeling the head of his cock touch the back of my throat and slide a little way down. I relaxed my throat and worked him the rest of the way in, until I had him all the way to the root and my lips were touching his body. I looked up at him and he was looking down at me in amazement. Every now and then it was fun to show off a little bit.

I worked him back out of my mouth. His cock was wet and shiny with my saliva until the hot water from the shower washed his cock clean. I took him in my hand and gently moved his cock forward until the head touched his stomach. He groaned as I licked up and down the large veins with the tip of my tongue. His testicles swung back and forth gently with the movement of my mouth and I had to give them some attention as well.

I took one of his large balls in my mouth and gently rolled it around on my tongue as I listened to his low moans of pleasure. I slowly let it roll out of my mouth and replaced it with the other. He was moaning loudly now and I could see the pre-cum drip freely out of the head of his cock. I looked up and saw him smiling, but his eyes were closed as if he was off in another world.

I let the other ball drop out of my mouth and slowly licked over the head, hearing a low moan escape his lips. I began to work his cock in and out of my mouth quicker and I could feel him start to tense up. I locked my lips around the head of his cock and stopped moving, letting him control the pace. His hips started to buck in short hard thrusts and I felt splashes of his hot cum hit the back of my throat. My mouth began to fill up and I had to swallow several times to get it all down. When I could tell he was beginning to recover, I let his cock pop out of my mouth and gently licked around the head to clean the remaining semen that I had missed.

After I washed his cock again, we exited the shower and leisurely dried each other off.

"I need to look through my garment bag and figure out what I want to wear," I said, remembering that it was still by the front door.

"Why don't you look in your walk-in closet, I'm sure you will be able to find something in there," he said jovially.

I gave him a perplexed look until I realized that he must have bought me more clothes, and then a grin spread across my face.


We were back from an amazing trip and I could tell Kaden was horny, because of his naughty actions during our ride back home. I got into our bedroom and my jaw dropped as I noticed cable ties hanging down from each upper post. Instinctively, I looked down at the floor and noticed two more cables attached to the bottom posts with thick Velcro bindings affixed to each end of the four cables. My stomach instantly felt sick.

"Oh, God, Kaden, no, I... I..."

His hand squeezed mine reassuringly.

"Annabel," he said calmly, "do you trust me?"

I could feel myself begin to gently tremble. "Yes, I do," I said in a voice barely above a whisper.

"Good, now relax."

I took a deep breath, desperately willing my body to calm down with every ounce of strength I had. He took a step, pulling me with him as we walked forward towards the bed, and once we reached it, he turned me around to face him. I felt the back of my thighs touch the mattress as I faced away from the foot of the bed. He reached into the back of the elastic waistband of his boxers and produced a black blindfold.

"I want you to concentrate on the sound of my voice."

My world went black as he secured the blindfold to my head, covering my eyes. A nanosecond before my world went dark, I noticed a cluster of various sexual devices on the table at the foot of the bed; unfortunately, I didn't have time to see exactly what they were.

"Raise your arms above your head," he ordered.

I complied while he continued to speak.

"Everything we do tonight is consensual, Anny. If at any time you'd like me to slow down, you will say the word 'yellow'."

I felt a fuzzy cuff wrap around one of my wrists.

"If what I'm doing is too intense and you want me to stop completely, you will say the word 'red'," he said as I felt my other wrist being secured in another fuzzy cuff.

His voice was now coming from below me as I felt him secure another fuzzy cuff around one of my ankles.

I shivered as I felt his hand slowly move up the calf of my leg while he secured my other ankle into the last fuzzy cuff. I pulled against the restraints with my arms and legs, and even though there was some play in the cable ties, they felt solid and unmovable.


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