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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 74

When he finally broke off the kiss, he rested his chin on the top of my head. "You have trust issues," he said in that beautiful voice. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to talk, so I just shrugged. "We will have to work on that."

Whoa, that sounded vaguely... threatening. But then he was pulling me towards the bedroom and I was thinking with my nether regions – which I was beginning to consider insatiable – again. Let's just say I followed eagerly. Once in the bedroom, he ordered me to strip. He was unbuttoning his shirt and his sculpted body was emerging as I fumbled with the buttons on my dress. I finally had if off and undid my bra. My panties were somewhere in the other room in shreds. I kicked my sandals off and dared to raise my eyes. He had sat to remove his shoes, and as he stood he slid his pants down, stepped out of them, then neatly folded them into the chair. His eyes never left me the whole time.

He crossed the short distance between us and took my chin in his hand, tilting my head up so I couldn't avoid his eyes. "I have another rule for you," he started. I found I was holding my breath. "You will not come until I give you permission to. Control is strength. This will teach you control."

I'm sure my eyes got real big. If he screwed me the way he had a few days ago, I had no idea how I could not come, permission or not. I tried to shake my head but he tightened his grip almost painfully on my chin. "Can I ask for permission?" "Beg for," one of those stupid voices in my head amended.

His eyes narrowed and darkened. "No," he replied sharply. He leaned closer, our noses almost touching. "It is simple. You will exercise control and not come until I give you permission. Or you will be punished. Do you understand?"

"Punished?" I stammered.

He smiled coldly. "I have found that the best way to teach control to those who refuse to exercise control is orgasm denial." Somehow, he managed to lean even closer. "Do you understand?"

I knew beyond a doubt that if I said no, he would be gone. I also knew that making me strip, undressing himself, was part of his ploy. My arousal was at full flame already and he wasn't touching anything but my chin. He had made it almost impossible for me to say no. Now, he was patiently waiting, knowing how my internal argument would end, even if I didn't. I heard myself say "Yes, I understand," and wondered where that had come from. Once again, he was kissing me deeply, rewarding me for my decision. When he pulled away from the kiss, he grasped my shoulders and half pushed, half threw me onto the bed. Before I had finished gasping from surprise, he was hovering over me. "Close your eyes," he commanded, and I was actually grateful for an easy command to follow.

I heard him leave the room for a moment, then he was back moving about. It sounded like he had gone from one corner of the bed to the others and the bed had wiggled a few times. There was a moment of quietness, then he said, "I am going to bind you to the bed. It will help you exercise control. You will not always have that assistance," he warned. I couldn't help but wondered how far into the future he was planning, as he slid my body into position. My left arm was tugged to the side as something – rope? – was looped around it. He moved on to my ankle on that side of the bed. How could this possibly help because my juices were gushing, wetting the bed beneath my ass? Apparently, bondage was my thing. In fact, I was pretty sure I was going to lose this contest the moment he entered me.

Once all of my limbs were stretched towards the corners of the bed, he settled over me, his ass resting lightly on my ribs, his cock nestled between my breasts. "Open your eyes," he said. I did, blinking rapidly. He was holding something which he pulled down over the top of my head. It was stretchy but tight, and he snapped it into place over my mouth. He leaned down, his nose touching mine. "You've been doing entirely too much talking. If you open your mouth to talk again, this will slide in like a gag. Just in case you feel like begging me to let you come." He sat back and studiously adjusted the gag. I tried to plead with my eyes, but his attention was everywhere but my eyes.

Once he was satisfied with the gag, his hands went to my breasts, his fingers working mercilessly at my nipples. Trying to get me to cry out so the gag would slide into my mouth? I didn't give him the satisfaction, though tears formed at the corners of my eyes when he twisted and pulled. His cock seemed to be enjoying itself, too, twitching and sliding between my breasts. After a few moments of that, he slid back and soothed my abused nipples with his tongue and lips. Even when his teeth nipped, it shot both pain and pleasure to my groin in equal parts. I was so glad he hadn't ordered me to be still, because he hadn't tied me nearly tight enough to prevent the squirming and arching that his ministrations evoked.

I desperately wanted to rub my wide-spread thighs together, desperately wanted to come, and yes, he hadn't even entered me yet. He was sliding further down, kissing my belly. Oh, God. If he goes anywhere near my clit with that magic tongue, I was totally, hopelessly lost. His lips brushed lightly lower. The very tip of his tongue teased. He was at my mound, tasting the bare skin there. Even nipping and scraping his teeth over the tender skin. My eyes rolled back in my head. I considered that if I passed out, it would be a blessing.


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