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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 76

(Katerina's POV)

Thursday afternoons are always the dullest day of the week; where my need for Kol is felt most keenly. For some reason, the weather always seems to mirror my mood. Streaks of rain flashes across my window, glittering streaks against an otherwise grey sky.

Dressed only in my pink lingerie, I assess myself in the mirror, turning to see the delicate lace of my pants as it cups the line of my ass. The underwear is too pretty to be hidden beneath clothing; it demands to be seen, to be torn from my body in a passionate rage. My fingers sneak beneath the cups of my bra and I roll my nipples beneath my needy digits. Half-watching myself in the mirror, I imagine that I am watching a peep show. The stranger in the mirror twists her nipples, gasps in pain. I want so desperately to be on display for him; to have him command me in self-pleasure.

A devilish idea takes root. I know that Kol is busy. I know how hectic his schedule is. And yet, I want to distract him; to draw him to me.

Grabbing my phone and vibrator, I recline across my bed, slipping my underwear from my body and marvelling at the delicious depravity of my nudity. I position the camera so that it captures the image of my masturbation. My body fills the screen wantonly. I do not want there to be any ambiguity within my message; I want him to see me in all my whorey desperation. I pushed the vibrator against my clit. It

sparks to life, the intense pulsations kissing my needy cunt with artificial adoration.

My mind wanders; a montage of Kol's prowess plays. I imagine him kissing me, biting my nipples, forcing his cock deep into my tightness. My eyes flutter shut. My lips part. I moan his name. When the throes of my electric orgasm have subsided, I sent him the video. He will be tempted by this, my siren song, and it will compel him towards me no matter how busy he is, as sure as any magic spell. He is bound to me, bewitched. I'm such a bad wife, I smiled to myself.

Languidly, I stretch my long limbs across the vast savannah of my bed. It is lonely without him, the sheets, a poor imitation of the warmth and comfort of his body.

Although I try to pretend otherwise, I am also captivated by him. Kol is an addiction, a need.

After a few frustrating minutes, I hear the door burst open. In his haste, he skid into the room, already stripping off his shirt. I am transfixed by the sinews of his arm, which move as he throws off his jeans. He pulled off his boxers and his circumcised cock springs free.

He throws himself onto the bed, claims my mouth with his.

'Do you have long?' I ask, frantically reaching for his cock and stroking him to hardness.

'No,' he whispers as he kisses my neck, twisting my hair round his hand and pulling my head back. His hand skims across my abdomen, a symphony across my skin. He plays with my wetness, slipping a finger into my sodden cunt.

I spit into my hand -- we do not have the time for me to search the drawers of harnesses and collars to find the lube -- and wrap my fingers around his girth.

Struggling to contain the sheer mass of his phallus in one hand, I focus my attention on the tip, playing with it until he moaned.

'More,' he commands, his voice rough with desire.

Obediently, I begin to move my wrist more frantically, capturing the length of his long, thick cock. Not satisfied with my hand, he flips me over, positions my ass so that my holes are on display, ready to be filled. He caresses my arse, the heat from his palm smoothing over my cool skin. I moan with shameless desire.

'Please fuck me,' I beg.

He tears my arms from beneath me and pin them behind my back. My face falls onto the pillow and I am forced to use my core strength to keep myself in position. Completely under his control, I am immobilised, unable to thrust back against him as he slowly, luxuriantly slide his cock into my cunt, stretching me wide.

His strong hand grips my both arms, holding them tightly. The size of his huge hands compared to my thin arms makes me feel small and girly and I melt into his masculinity. Placing pressure on my lower back, he manipulate my arse further in the air, giving him greater access to the depth of my needy pussy.

His strokes are slow, languid and he plunges his weapon into my gaping hole, finding the sweet spot at the base of my cervix. His free hand creeps under me and he reaches for my throat. I am surrounded by him, immobilized by his strength, revelling in the delight of his sex.

'Yes,' I breathe.

The orgasm that washes over me is intense but controlled, waves of pleasure that build and leave me crying, shaking in his arms. His face presses into my shoulder and the touch of his lips, combined with the pressure of his body, the rolling of his hips, sends me over the abyss again. Lost within the velveteen folds of hedonism, I am swept away by the intensity of my orgasm, which tears through my body. It feels so much like falling, an overwhelming sensation that I cannot control. I am grateful for his strong arms, grateful that he keeps me in bondage, keeping me tethered to myself even as his cock threatens me with pleasure.

My cunt spasms round his cock, massaging him until the intensity overwhelms him. Through gritted teeth, he mutters my name, plunging into me with ferocity until he cum inside of me.

Releasing my arms, he collapsed onto my back, kissing my neck. His body is warm, enticing and I nuzzle into his comforting embrace. He strokes my hair.

'I guess you'll have to head back,' I say softly, praying that my tone does not betray my sadness.

He sighs. 'I guess,' he murmurs, but he makes no motion to leave. Fluffing the pillow, he drew the duvet about himself.

'I don't want you getting into trouble.'

He grinned. 'I booked the day off the second I saw your video. Luckily, I had holiday that needed using.' He kissed me deeply. 'You looked so sexy that I knew there was no way either of us would be satisfied with a quick fumble.' Still kissing me, his hand moves to my clit and he begins to move in slow circles round the sensitive bud. 'But if you want me to go, I can...'


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