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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 79

As I continue to worship it, I reasoned with myself that it must be because he has a splendid member indeed. The thickness of it stretches my mouth and my pussy, making me feel like it could be the first time for me all over again. His cock is also quite long, which makes it hard to get him all the way in my mouth, but when he makes love to me, the ease of which his cock fills me completely thrills me to no end. Even the slight bend of it excites me, especially when he takes the top because of the ease of which his cock strokes over my g-spot, sending me into a frenzy of orgasms.

All this runs through my head as I suck him, my tongue flicking up and down as he moves in and out of my mouth. Finally I stop my teasing and begin to move in the rhythm I know will bring him off quickly. The hot water creates a steaming mist as I rapidly move my mouth back and forth, my tongue pressing the sensitive spot on the underside of his cock. He reaches down to lightly grab the back of my head, guiding me, pressing his hips towards me, fucking my mouth, whispering of how good it feels and how much he loves me. And then I feel his cock twitch as he explodes in my mouth, his delicious cum running over my tongue and down my throat. I savor the taste before swallowing every drop, and he helps me up and kisses me, the water running over both of us.

As he towels dry and puts on some fresh clothes, I finish up with dinner and set the table. He comes in looking so sexy in his shorts and t-shirt, complimenting me on how good the food smells. We sit together and eat, me with my usual slowness, him with his voracious appetite. I giggle to myself that his appetite for food is a lot like his appetite for sex. When we finished eating dinner, we sat drinking coffee and talking about nothing in particular.

Shortly after, We retired into the living room, watching some television shows, enjoying cuddling. I thought to myself how I could easily slip into dreaming every time his arms are around me, holding me, making me feel like nothing could ever hurt me. Finally, we decided to go to bed, and I got into the bathroom to put on the new lingerie I bought with him in mind, a black lacy number that leaves nothing whatsoever to the imagination.

The light is still on as I come back, and the slow smile that spreads across his face is all the approval I need. Ignoring the light, I go straight to the bed and straddled his naked body, kissing him deeply, our tongues performing an erotic dance on their own. I feel his cock rising, pressing my warmth, and trying to find its way inside me. But before I can oblige it, he rolls me over and buries his face between my thighs, lapping at my juices through the thin fabric. The roughness of the lace combined with the softness of his talented tongue caused me to close my eyes and sigh, for I know that soon he will shove the garment aside and begin his attack.

Soon enough that is exactly what happens, and my legs unconsciously spread even further apart to accommodate him. He smiles and begins to snake his tongue over the whole of my hairless mound. Starting at my thighs and working his way in he gently licks sucks and nibbles his way towards my hardening clit. I can feel my wetness already beginning to seep out, and I stroke and pinch my nipples through the lace as his tongue finds my sensitive little button. He flicks it slowly at first, and then as he sucks it into his mouth his thick finger sneaks its way inside me, causing my pussy to tingle and clamp down.

At this point I'm well on my way to orgasm, his finger fucking my pretty pink pussy, his tongue and lips continuing their relentless assault on my clit. I tell him how good it feels, I fuck up and down on his finger, I grabbed his head in my hands and buck my hips slightly, chanting "oh God, Ohhhh God, oh God yes baby." the waves of orgasm flooding over me, one beginning before the previous has even stopped. I hear him telling me to cum, to have multiples for him, telling me not to stop. I lose track of time and the amount of times he has brought me over the top, focusing on nothing but his wonderful tongue and skilled fingers.

Finally satisfied that I have been pleased thoroughly, he moves back up, pulling my legs up to rest on his shoulders. He enters me with ease, my very hot and very wet pussy eagerly accepting his huge pulsing cock inch by inch, until he is buried inside me, his balls resting against my ass. He remains there for a moment, bending down to suck my nipples roughly, moving his mouth up to mine and kissing me. As his tongue explores mine he begins to slowly pump in and out, his balls lightly smacking my ass, his cock rubbing over my clit and my g-spot. I reach up to feel the muscles in his arms working as he supports his body over mine.

He sits up a bit, continuing his slow rhythmic movements, and takes one of my toes into his mouth, gently sucking on it and stroking my ankle. This sends tingles all the way down my leg into my crotch, tightening my pussy on his cock. He begins thrusting harder now, pushing my ass up more so that he may pump into me faster and harder and deeper. In Heaven, I look into his beautiful eyes. His mouth slightly open and moaning, he says he loves me and tells me how good I feel. I pulled him down towards me, his mouth now right next to my ear. He tells me how hot and wet and tight my pussy is, how much he likes to fuck my pretty little pink pussy.

He knows how much I love the way he talks dirty, how it will always make me cum. Just as he had planned I cum all over his thick hard cock, my pussy muscles spasm, squeezing and releasing on him. He tells me loudly he's going to cum, and he sits up once again. I feel him spurting, releasing himself inside me, and his moans so erotic to my ears that I cum yet again.

Spent, we lay together, arms and legs entangled, murmuring our love to one another as we drifted into dreams. And right before I fell asleep, I lifted my head to look at him, thinking how very wonderful he is. Because even without this beautiful and exciting lovemaking, he is all I could ever want.


(Annabel POV)

I get the call that Kaden is minutes away. I am to put a blindfold on and wait by the door in my black robe only. My heart is pounding as I turn out the lights and place the blindfold on at the door. My nipples are so hard they ache, and I can feel the wetness between my legs, wondering if I should clean up or just wait there wet. The decision is made for me because I suddenly hear footsteps on the porch. He is here!

I hear the door knob turn and I freezed. My heart is now pounding. The door opens and he is so close I can hear him breathe and feel the heat from his body. I take a deep breath. He says nothing, but leads me blindfolded into the room and places me on a chair. I just try to be calm and wait, while he cuffs my hands behind my back, locking them. Then he spreads my thighs wide open and ties my ankles to the chair legs. I am fully exposed for his eyes. I take a deep breath knowing he's looking at me and praying that I don't disappoint him.

The cool air on my skin makes my breasts rise and my nipples grow hard. I sit up straight in the chair, listening and waiting. I can hear him move around in the room, wondering what he is doing.

Suddenly I feel his hot breath over my left breast, and then teeth scratching over the soft skin. I sob quietly when he buries his teeth in my nipple and the intense pain is shooting through my body.


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