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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 91

(Kol POV)

I was sitting on the sofa, not even watching the news on the TV screen but rather waiting patiently for my beloved wife to return from work. Katerina had informed me that she would come back home late today and so, I had to feed the kids and do any other necessary stuffs to make sure everything was alright. The kids were in their rooms, only the youngest was playing with her toy on the floor in the living room.

Soon, there was a knock on the door and I opened it to welcome my beloved wife back home. She looked so stunning in her outfit. She went upstairs to change her clothes while I kept watching the news.

Suddenly, I felt familiar hands wrapped around me, pulling me in as she holds me tightly.

I can't help but smile, and my face nuzzles her hair; the sweet scent

of strawberries begins to pervade my nostrils. My lips press against

her hair to kiss. "Hi, baby girl, mmm, you smell so nice," I inform her,

and my hand sneaks down to grab a handful of that sexy ass of

hers, which earns a faint whimper from her. Her soft, smooth, and

delicate skin against my rough, slightly calloused hand satisfies me

too well.

My hand then shifts to her hair for me to run my fingers through. I

force her to look up to me with my other hand, and my eyes connect

with hers, soon becoming lost in her stunning beauty. My tongue

grazes my lips, and she smirks.

"Kitten misses her Daddy," she murmurs against my lips, and she

licks them after with her tongue.

"Mmm, kitten always misses her Daddy, huh?" My hand snakes

down to her panties, and I rub her soaking wet entrance through the

fabric, teasing her, as I enjoy the lovely facial expressions appearing

across her beautiful face.

"Fuck, Daddy, please," she breathes.

"Oh, baby, you sure missed me. Look at how wet you are for Daddy."

I feel her hips moving against my stimulation. My lips lean in to

whisper in her ear, "Daddy's very horny

tonight, and his cock needs some attention."

"I know Daddy's always horny for his kitten, like his kitten is for her


"That's fucking right, baby."

"I'm sorry for not asking how your day went, too."

Quickly, I press my thumb against her supple and needy lips to seal

any further sounds from her. "That's all right, my love, Daddy will tell

you about his day as he's fucking that pretty mouth of yours with his

cock." My thumb is replaced by my lips, latching them onto hers,

kissing her hard with fervor. She moans into the kiss, and my tongue

buries deeper inside her mouth to explore the familiar territory. My

arms clutch her tighter than ever, pulling her in closer, never wanting

her to leave my touch.

She suddenly pulls away from my lips, and we both are able to catch

our breath, leaving me in the cold, yearning for more of her. Her

fingers attempt their work at the buttons of my red flannel shirt to

unbutton them, but just after she's undone the first button, my hands

arrive to arrest her action, gripping her wrists. "Daddy wants to keep

his clothes on right now. I need your sexy mouth cuddling my cock,

now," I order.

She nods and lowers herself to level her face with my bulge aching

through my jeans. Her lips press to it, giving it a few kisses to tease



We headed straight to our bedroom.

Then, her hands unbuckle my belt and unzip my jeans, pulling them

down, along with my boxer briefs, to unleash my erection for her to

please. Her tongue pokes out from her parted lips, licking the tip,

collecting the seeping precum. She tries to move her hand to stroke

my cock, but my grip around her wrists prevents her from doing that.

"Mmm, baby, use only your mouth to please Daddy, fuck." I moan as

she begins to suck on the head of my cock, and my hips slightly

buck her mouth, fucking it slowly. "Damn, you're just what I needed,

sweetheart, oh your mouth feels so good." She slides her mouth


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