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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 47

Chapter 47 Burning

Logan POV

I was pissed as fuck.

In just a few short minutes, that little mutt would be sitting on this couch. He would be looking at MY mate like she belonged to him. He would laugh with her, and he would touch her.

He thought that she would choose him. He thought that he would take her away from me.

‘SHE IS MINE!’ Leon growled so loudly that even I flinched.

‘I’m going to kill him.’ Leon continued. ‘He won’t touch her. He won’t have her. I won’t allow it. If you fuck up, Logan, I will stick my claws up your ass.’

‘I won’t fuck up.’ I sighed. ‘Not again. I will not lose her. She belongs to me. She

is mine, and mine only.’

‘I’m glad we are finally on the same page.’ Leon growled. ‘Too bad you didn’t listen to me when we found out she was our mate. There wouldn’t be other men after her right now.’

‘Shut the fuck up.’ I growled back.

I blocked him and took a deep breath. His words only fueled my anger and my jealousy. I knew that he was right. If I accepted her, like I should have, there wouldn’t be a Jacob or a Drake now. Sienna would have never been able to take her from me. She would be marked, mated, and mine. Nobody would have taken her away from me.

“Maybe you should leave, Logan.” Andrew sighed.

My eyes snapped to him. “Are you


Andrew ran his hand through his hair and sighed again. “You are too tense. Your Alpha aura in the room is suffocating.”

“I’m not leaving my mate alone with another male who wants her.” I growled, clenching my fists so hard that it hurt.

“She won’t be alone.” he said. “I will be here the whole time. And Amy is coming as well.”

My nostrils flared and my anger kept rising. “I said no.”

“Fine.” Andrew said, raising his hands in surrender. “But try to calm down a bit.”

I gave him an angry glare and tried to listen to him. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

I heard Emma walking downstairs, and her intoxicating scent calmed me down. instantly.

I turned around to look at her.

She was beautiful. She was wearing leggings and a hoodie. Her hair was lifted in a messy bun. She looked so fucking amazing that I almost grabbed her and made her mine. Her scent was driving me crazy.

“Is everything okay?” she asked when she reached the bottom of the steps.

She could feel my Alpha aura in the air.

“Of course, love.” Andrew smiled at her. “Don’t worry.”

She opened her mouth to speak, but she was interrupted with a knock on the



My blood boiled, and he wasn’t even inside.

Emma walked to the front door and opened it.

Amy jumped on her, squealing loudly.

“Emmy!” she yelled. “I’m so glad you are okay! I missed you so much!”

Emma chuckled and hugged her back. “I missed you too, Amy.”

“Are you okay?” Amy asked her as she let her go and looked up and down her body.

“I’m fine.” Emma smiled.

My heart skipped a million fucking

beats. I wanted to kiss her.

Amy moved away, and the fucker walked inside.

He was looking at my mate like she was his whole world. I clenched my fists, and I had to hold back from killing him.

“Hello, beautiful.” Jacob said as he pulled Emma to him, kissing her cheek.

I saw fucking red.

I growled loudly and jumped up.

“Logan!” Andrew shouted, grabbing my


Emma and Amy looked at me with wide eyes. The fucker smirked.

“Alpha.” Jacob said smugly.

“Keep your fucking hands off of my

mate!” I growled.

I was letting Andrew hold me back. If I wanted to, I could rip out of his hold and kill the fucker before anyone could


But I couldn’t. Because of Emma. She would never forgive me if I hurt him.

Emma stepped away from Jacob, and he frowned.

“Alpha, Beta.” Amy nodded, breaking the tense silence. “I’m sorry. I was so happy to see Emma that I didn’t notice you there.”


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