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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 48

Chapter 48 I Messed Up

Emma POV

I messed up.

I should have never let him kiss me.

Now I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I couldn’t stop thinking about his lips on mine, his hands on my body, and his scent all around me.

I messed up pretty bad.

I was lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I was painfully aware of him sleeping in the room opposite mine. He’s already moved in.

Every part of my body wanted to run to him. I wanted to feel his hands on me. I wanted to feel his lips on my neck. I wanted to sink my canines into his neck, marking him and letting everybody know that he was mine.

But the voice inside my head kept screaming at me. I felt like I was tied up to my own bed, unable to do what my body craved to do.

And I knew that the voice was right.

Logan didn’t want me. He would soon realize that I was still the same small, weak she-wolf he rejected. Only this rejection would hurt so much more. It would probably kill me.

I was already battling with the memories from the cave. I had a hard time stopping Rolf’s words from constantly repeating in my mind. I could still smell that awful smell of wolfsbane mixed with my own blood. I could still see the orange hue that fire created on the cave walls. I could still feel the cold floor of the cave on every part of my


My body was out, but my brain was still trapped inside that cave.

And I wasn’t sure I was ever going to get


If I added the pain of his rejection on top of all that, I didn’t know if I would be strong enough to keep on going.

Especially now that I got a taste of him, now that I knew what it felt like to have his hands on my body.

I groaned and closed my eyes.

This was going to be so hard.

It would be so much easier if he stayed in the packhouse. I wouldn’t have to see him all the time. I wouldn’t have to feel him close to me. I wouldn’t be

surrounded by his scent all the time.

I opened my eyes and sighed.

‘Eliza?’ I called my wolf.

‘Yes, Emma?’ she responded sleepily.

‘Are you up for a run?’ I asked, hoping she would say yes.

I really needed to get out of here just for a little while. His scent was driving me crazy. I was seconds away from running to him.

‘Run?’ Eliza asked, and I could feel her getting excited.

I hadn’t shifted since my birthday. I knew Eliza wanted to be set free again.

‘Yes.’ I responded. ‘I need to get out of here for a while.’

She understood immediately. ‘Let’s go, Em.’

I got out of bed quietly and walked to my closet. I pulled a hoodie over my pajamas and put on a pair of sweats. I put on socks and sneakers and walked over to my window, opening it as quietly as I could.

I knew that I couldn’t go out through the front door. I would wake up Andrew and Logan, and they wouldn’t be happy with me wanting to go for a run in the middle of the night. Maybe they wouldn’t forbid me to go, but they would surely want to come with me, and that would mess up my plans of getting away from Logan for a little while.

I climbed out of my window carefully and jumped off the roof. I landed in soft snow. I stayed crunched down for a few moments, waiting to see if Logan or Andrew woke up.

When I couldn’t hear anything, I stood


and walked to the tree line.

I removed my clothes and folded them in a pile under the tree. I was shivering, and I couldn’t wait to shift.

‘Ready, Em?’ Eliza asked me.

‘Yes.’ I said with a small smile.

I closed my eyes and let Eliza take over. It wasn’t as painful as the first time, but it wasn’t comfortable either.

‘I’m sorry, Emma.’ Eliza said. ‘We haven’t shifted in a while. It will get easier.’

‘It’s okay.’ I smiled and opened my eyes.

Well, my wolf’s eyes. I looked down and saw my white paws.

The combination of snow and moonlight made me look like I was

glowing. I grinned and took off.

I was running through the woods, feeling the cold air brush through my fur. The feeling was amazing. The fresh air helped me clear my mind. Now that I was away from Logan and his scent, I could think clearly. I couldn’t let him kiss me again. I couldn’t let him touch me again. Not until I had time to think about everything. Not until I had time to decide what to do.


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