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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 82

Chapter 82 My Little Sister

Andrew POV

“Oh, Goddess!” Wren exclaimed as soon as Logan and I ran inside the hospital.

“Help her!” Logan growled. “You need to help her, Wren! She needs to be okay!”

Logan put her down on the bed, kissing her cheek and taking her hand in his.

“Please, baby, don’t leave me.” he mumbled, his voice breaking. “I can’t lose you.”

My heart was hammering inside my chest. I couldn’t breathe. I kept my eyes on her beautiful face, wishing that she would just open her eyes.

“I need you to step aside, Alpha.” Wren said softly. “We need room to work.”

Logan gritted his teeth but listened to

Wren. He let her hand go and came to stand next to me.

We watched as Wren and the nurses started working around Emma. They attached some machines to her. They pierced her skin with needles. They touched and poked every part of her skin.

I wanted to growl. I didn’t like that they were touching her. I wanted to pick her up in my arms and hold her.

But I couldn’t. I needed to let them work. I needed to let them help her.

I glanced at Logan. He was shaking. Whimpers and growls kept escaping his lips. His eyes were wide and filled with tears. He stared at Emma without blinking.

Suddenly, all hell broke loose.

The machines attached to Emma started beeping loudly:

Logan grabbed his chest and fell down

on his knees.

“What is going on?!” I screamed, kneeling next to Logan.

“She is in V-Fib!” doctor Wren screamed. “I need a crash cart! Now!”

Crash cart? As in defibrillator? As in, her heart wasn’t beating the way it was supposed to? As in, it could stop? As in, she could die?


No, no, no, no, no, no, no!


“EMMA!” I screamed, grabbing a fistful

of my hair. “No, love, please!”

Logan was trying to take deep breaths. His eyes were fixed on her. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. He couldn’t speak. He couldn’t even fucking


I watched as the nurses cut what was left of Emma’s hoodie off of her. I watched as they placed some patches on her chest. I watched as doctor Wren placed the defibrillator pads on her. I watched as her back arched up. I watched as her body fell back down on the bed.

My eyes flew to the machine monitoring her heart. It still didn’t stop beeping.

No. Please, no.

Not her. Not my beautiful little sister.

Not my pup.

Please, Goddess, please. Don’t take her.

“Clear!” Wren screamed again.

He placed the pads back on Emma’s chest. Her back arched again. Her small body fell back down onto the bed again.

“Come on, Emma.” Wren growled. “Don’t leave us.”

“Emma, baby, please.” Logan cried out, fighting to breathe. “Don’t leave. Don’t go. Please.”

I didn’t even realize how hard I was holding onto him. I didn’t even realize how hard he was holding onto me. We were watching the person we loved most in this world fight for her life. We needed each other more than we even realized.

“Clear!” Wren screamed, repeating the


My heart was going to jump out of my



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