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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 83

Chapter 83 The Love Of My Life

Logan POV

I followed the nurse back to Emma’s


I was in a complete daze.

I just wanted to go back to my mate. I wanted to hold her. I needed to know that she was awake.

She almost died.

The love of my life almost died.

While we were in that fucking underground bunker, I couldn’t even focus on the pain. I was focused on finding her and saving her. I was focused on killing the fucker who took her from me.

But now that I wasn’t in battle mode anymore, the pain paralyzed me.

I almost lost her. She almost died. I felt her die.

I walked into the room behind the nurse and saw my baby lying on the bed. Machines were hooked up to her, and she had a breathing tube stuck down her throat.

“My baby.” I cried out, rushing to her.

As soon as my fingers touched her skin, I felt tingles running up and down my body. I missed this feeling so fucking much.

I leaned my forehead on hers, closing my eyes and breathing in her scent.

It was mixed with antiseptic and medicine, but I could still smell a little bit of strawberry and watermelon. It was enough to soothe me down a little.

“Why is there a breathing tube down her throat, Wren?” Andrew-asked, his voice breaking.

“Her lungs are damaged.” Wren said and I could hear the anger in his voice. “I’m guessing that they made her inhale .something that damaged them. She will

need the tube for a while.”

Andrew sobbed as walked closer to the bed and sat on the chair next to it. He leaned his forehead on her cheek and took her hand in his.

“Hi, love.” he said softly. “You are home. You are safe. You will be okay.”

I caressed her other cheek softly, wishing I could place my lips on hers.

“When will she wake up, Wren?” I asked, not recognizing my own voice.

“I don’t know.” he sighed. “Her body is exhausted. The injuries are extensive. I don’t know how she survived. We won’t know for sure until she wakes up and tells us, but I can tell that she was electrocuted, burned, cut, hit, and drugged. I know for sure that they injected liquid silver into her veins. I know for sure that they made her drink it.”

Andrew sobbed, burying his face in her neck.

I saw fucking red.

Leon growled loudly, trying to get out.

I pushed him back. I wanted to be with my mate. I wanted to touch her, feel her, taste her, and bury my nose in her hair and neck.

‘I want to rip them apart!’ Leon

screamed. ‘I want to kill them, Logan!’

‘We will.’ I told him. ‘We will. But our mate needs us right now. Look at her, Leon. Be with her. We will kill them later.’

Leon whined, focusing his attention on Emma.

‘Our baby.’ Leon whined loudly.

‘Can you feel Eliza?’ I asked him.

‘No.’ He whined again. I keep trying to reach her, but I can’t.’

‘It’s okay, Leon.’ I said. ‘You will reach her soon. She is resting.’

Leon whined and focused back on Emma.

“How come you didn’t feel all that, Logan?” Andrew asked as he raised his

head and kissed Emma’s cheek.


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