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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 84

Chapter 84 I Miss You

Logan POV

“Emma, baby, please come back to me.” I mumbled, burying my nose in her neck.

It had been five days since we had found her. Five days of waiting. Five days of praying to the Goddess to bring her back to me.

I missed her so fucking much. I had her body back. I could touch her, I could feel her. But I missed her. I missed my Emma. I missed her beautiful eyes. I missed her voice. I missed her laugh.

Her lungs got better, and she was now breathing on her own. Her heart was stronger. She was physically getting better, but she just wasn’t waking up.

“Emma, baby, I love you.” I said, placing a kiss on her neck. “Come back to me, please.”

I looked up at her beautiful face, but her eyes were still closed..

How is she, Logan? Andrew mind-linked

The same. I answered immediately. She is still asleep.

Andrew was in the cellars, taking his anger out on Samuel and other prisoners. He was stuck mid-shift, and he just couldn’t push Asher back. He was in the cellars a lot.

I couldn’t go. I couldn’t leave her. Andrew and Wren barely managed to convince me to take a shower and change. I couldn’t leave my baby. I couldn’t leave the love of my life. I wanted to be here when she woke up. I wanted to be the first one she would see when she opened those beautiful eyes.

I ran my nose up and down her jaw, breathing in her scent. It calmed me down. It calmed Leon down. It meant that she was back with us. It meant that we had our mate in our arms.

‘Can you feel Eliza, Leon?’ I asked my .wolf.

‘No.’ Leon whined. ‘When will she wake up, Logan? I miss her.’

‘Soon.’ I sighed.

Wren had a theory that Emma’s mind needed a break. He believed that she needed to heal not only physically but also mentally. He even thought that Eliza was keeping her from waking up because she needed to protect her.

It made sense. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what my baby went through. I still couldn’t understand why I didn’t feel

everything they did to her. I felt only small parts of it, but not everything. She went through so much, and I understood that she needed to heal, but I missed her. I fucking missed her.

Wren told Andrew and me to just keep talking to her. He told us to assure her that she was home and that she was safe. He couldn’t be sure if she could hear us, but if she could, it would help her to know that she was safe.

“Emma, baby, you are home.” I said. “You are back home with me, my love. You are back home with your brother.”


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