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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 102

Chapter One Hundred and Two

“She’s right here! She’s right here, I’ve got her!”

Mia rushes into the room, my baby in her arms.

The sight of her isn’t enough. I need to touch her—to hold Merilee and prove to myself that she’s real. I’ve already missed so much of life, and I can’t stand to miss another second.

Mia hands her over immediately.

“I didn’t mean to scare you. We were talking outside, and Cam went in ahead,” she explains. “He’d been talking with Eric and figured it would be easier to finish the conversation face to face. Merilee’s fine, she’s here.”

Mia’s words are reassuring, but they pale in comparison to the sight of my baby’s face. She’s awake, but listless.

I stroke her cheek with the back of one finger. She’s so soft, so fragile. At eighteen months old, she should look more like a toddler than a baby by now, but she’s still small, like time has slowed for her.

She babbles when I kiss her forehead, no complete words, just sounds. But there’s recognition in her face. I cradle her close to my chest, wishing I could protect her, that my body alone was enough of a refuge for her.

But no amount of loving her will undo the damage I’ve done.

She was never safe, even when she was still inside my body. That’s what doomed her in the first place.

Around me, I’m dimly aware of the others exchanging greetings. Lorelei’s mother, Diane, comes in.

Cam and Mia reunite with Eric.

I tune it all out, pouring my attention into Merilee. It’s not hard. The three of them are so comfortable with each other, so at ease together, it’s like I’m not here. It’s my fault I’m on the outside of their group. The list of things that are my fault is endless—but right at this moment I can’t regret any of it.

Those choices brought me Merilee.

Mia lays a hand on my shoulder and I startle.

“Can we talk? Alone?” she asks.

Chapter 102 1

Chapter 102 2


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