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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 106

Chapter One Hundred and Six


Eric doesn’t react to the slap. I think it hurts my hand more than it hurts him; his face is like a stone.

His words are more painful than anything, though, because it’s impossible to deny the truth in them.

Merilee starts crying in the cradle, and I wish I could join her—just lay down and weep—but I can’t. Not when she needs me. And not in front of Eric.

I pick Merilee up to soothe her, holding her close to my heart. She keeps crying, like she can feel the tension in the room and it’s too much for her.

Eric sizes me up. He’s holding back, keeping a tight leash on his anger. I can feel it even without my wolf—the connection between us is an open gate, flooding me with his emotions.

I shouldn’t have hit him. He’s my Alpha now, and I have no right to lay a hand on him like that.

But he doesn’t punish me. Doesn’t retaliate.

“Come to the kitchen for dinner once you’ve calmed down,” he says. “We have plans to discuss with Mia and Cam.”

Then he leaves the room.

His words hover in the air around me.

I don’t think I had a choice. I was so reliant on Philipe for so long, by the time he sent me to Montana to bewitch Cam, I would have done anything Philipe asked. My trust in him was absolute.

I’d followed the prophecy my mother gave me and that led to destruction. So I followed Philipe instead. In the end, both roads led to pain and regret.

They both led me here.

Merilee stops crying a few minutes after Eric leaves. I wait a few more to make sure she’s alright—and to give myself a chance to put on a brave face.

Dinner with Cam, Mia, and Eric…what could possibly go wrong?

They’re all seated together at one of the tables close to the alcove. Conversation stops when I walk into the room.

I take a seat next to Eric, across from Cam. Mia is on Cam’s other side.

I keep Merilee in my lap. There’s formula for her on the table alongside the rest of the meal. I start feeding her, waiting for the rest of the table to do something. Anything.

I’m obviously the issue here. They were all fine before I came in, so I guess it’s up to me to break the tension.

Two Alphas in a room, and yet neither of them can figure out how to start a conversation. Absurd.

“Should I call Lorelei and her parents in and ask them to strip?”

Three curious pairs of eyes turn to me.

“We’ve all seen each other naked, so it’s only fair.”

A smirk plays at the corner of Mia’s mouth.

“Such an interesting custom for a pack in such a cold range,” she jokes.

Chapter 106 1

Chapter 106 2


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