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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 105

“It was my brother,” Ashley says, chin lifted defiantly.

At least she isn’t lying. Her honesty isn’t enough to temper my anger though. The mention of her brother sets my teeth on edge.

“Plotting another attack, were you?”

She narrows her eyes at me. “No. He called to see where I was, and I answered. He’s concerned about my safety. If you want me to hand him over to you, I’ve got to know where he is. He has to trust me, or he’ll vanish.”

I scoff at her use of the word “trust.” I’m not sure she knows what it means.

“And before you go accusing me of things again, I didn’t plan that attack. I didn’t know those wolves were there,” she says.

“But you knew the wolves.”

I phrase it as a statement, not a question. She shakes her head, but I’m not fooled this time.

There’s no adrenaline or fear now. There’s no other reason for her heart rate to spike or for sweat to gather at the nape of her neck.

She’s lying.

“Ashley, I’m not going to tolerate another lie. You knew those three wolves. You knew the attack formation. It wasn’t until the second wolf attacked that you tried to intervene because you knew the first was a decoy. You know them.”

Her throat bobs as she swallows.

“Okay, fine. I know them. But I didn’t know they were going to attack.”

Yet again, the truth isn’t satisfying. Not from her.

“And you didn’t think to warn me about Philipe’s little welcome party?”

“I would have, if I’d known they were there!” she protests.

It’s not good enough. No answer is good enough.

Chapter 105 1


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