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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 108

Chapter 108 I Think I Can Hug You Again 

Cordelia raised her eyes and met Elijah’s beautiful eyes. 

At this time, his amber eyes were very charming, shining brightly under the illumination of the crystal lamp. 

Cordelia slowly raised her hand, hugged his waist, and whispered, “I’m afraid you’re drunk, so I came to pick you up.” 

“I’m drunk,” Elijah said softly. 

He lowered his head slightly and kissed Cordelia’s forehead. His eyes were full of love and pity. 

The two people on the opposite side looked at them with different expressions. 

Especially Elissa, who wanted to rush forward and pull Cordelia out of Elijah’s arms. 

At this time, Elijah slowly raised his eyes, and his expression was sullen. 

Elijah said, “Ben, I won’t take this matter lying down. Think about it clearly, whether you want a woman or a friend.” 

Then, Elijah took Cordelia’s hand and left. 


I speak, but he just looked at the backs of Elijah and Cordelia angrily. 

Elissa, on the side, said a little sadly, “Ben, Elijah must have been lied to by his wife, so he is so reluctant to forgive me.” 

Ben was silent for a long time before saying, “You should behave well recently and wait until Elijah calms down.” 

Elissa looked at Ben incredulously and said, “Don’t even you believe me? Ben, your love for me is all fake, right?” 

Ben frowned, looked at Elissa, and then said coldly, “If you insist on saying that, I can’t help you. I have something else to do. You can take a taxi back later!” 

After speaking, Ben turned around and walked away. 

Elissa clenched her fist on the spot and stomped her feet angrily. 

Hearing Elissa’s scream, Ben didn’t turn around. 

He moved his arm a little bit, and then, he felt his arms were uncomfortable. He cursed in his heart, “Damn it. Elijah, you are so cruel to me!” 

Cordelia took Elijah home. 

When getting out of the car, Cordelia carefully noticed Elijah rubbing his shoulders. 

She continued to observe calmly and found that he used his left hand to finish a series of movements, such as opening the door, changing his shoes, and taking off his coat. 

So, after the man sat on the sofa, Cordelia stepped forward and gently touched his right shoulder. 

Elijah’s expression was obviously tense for a moment, and then he raised his eyes to look at Cordelia with deep eyes. 

Elijah asked, “You find it, right?” 

Cordelia’s other hand had already started to unbutton Elijah’s shirt. 

“Did you get injured in the fight with Ben?” Cordelia asked lightly. 

“It’s impossible,” Elijah said seriously, “I was not injured in the fight. It was accidentally bumped into the wall when I entered the room.” 

Cordelia almost laughed. 

However, she was still calm and serious. “Anyway, you are injured, so you have to listen to me.” 

“Do you want to heal me?” Elijah said hoarsely with a very sexy voice, “Miss Carter.” 

Cordelia leaned over, squeezed his collar, and approached his face. “Elijah, you are injured and still seduce me.” 

Elijah poked his head and kissed her lips, but Cordelia quickly avoided his kiss. 

Elijah replied, “Even if I really can’t move, it won’t stop me from seducing you. You can come up and do it yourself.” 


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