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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 113

Chapter 113 A Bad Premonition

The next day, Cordelia didn't wake up until ten o'clock, as usual.

Coming downstairs to look for food, she was dumbfounded.

She saw three elders, Gideon, Edith, and Gabe, sitting in a row on the sofa in the living room.

And Lamia walked up and down like an ant on a hot pot.

As Lamia saw Cordelia, her eyes lit up, and she ran quickly towards her.

"Cordelia, why did you wake up so early? Oh, take it easy." Lamia supported Cordelia, completely treating her like a treasure.

Cordelia was terrified.

"Grandpa, Dad, Mom, when did you come here? Why didn't you ask Nora to wake me up?"

Gabe smiled kindly and said, "We have just arrived here, too."

Only then did Cordelia heave a sigh of relief. It was okay that the elders didn't wait for her for a long time.

Lamia whispered in Cordelia's ear, "They came at seven thirty in the morning, and I came later, arriving at nine o'clock."

Cordelia was stunned and immediately blushed.

Gideon said at the right time, "Cordelia, you are a great hero to our family."

"Don't speak that, Grandpa." Cordelia waved her hand.

"The prescription you gave me has made my health much better. And the sachet you gave me, I can't go anywhere without it now." Gideon praised her all-round.

Cordelia smiled sincerely, "Honoring you is what I should do."

Of course, the most crucial thing was Cordelia was finally pregnant!

They all knew but didn't speak.


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