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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 125

Chapter 125 Elijah Was Jealous

Cordelia knew that Imogen had a keen eye for luxury items, so she turned to look at Elijah and said, "If anyone has robbed the bank, it's him."

Imogen covered her mouth. "Don't ask me why I'm covering my mouth. I'm afraid tears of envy will flow from it. Oh my God, Cordelia. How can there be such a happy woman like you in this world?"

Cordelia felt embarrassed. "To be honest, I'm still a bit bewildered even now. I don't know what he's trying to convey."

"What do you mean? You're his wife and carrying the Hansen family's baby. He should be willing to do anything for you," Imogen said matter-of-factly.

Cordelia shook her head and didn't say anything more. After wishing Imogen success in her performance, she prepared to join Elijah in their seats.

Just then, a melodious voice stopped her. "Cora?"

Cordelia stopped and turned around. It turned out to be Ivan.

"Hello, Ivan," Cordelia greeted politely.

"I watched the dance video of your comeback performance recently. Cora, you're as excellent as ever. Your performance that time was even better than before!" Ivan praised sincerely, genuinely admiring Cordelia's talent.

"I was just filling in for Imogen that time, not making a comeback," Cordelia explained quickly.

At that moment, Elijah walked over. "Darling, the performance is about to start. Let's take our seats quickly!"

His voice was gentle, and the way he addressed Cordelia was intimate.

Cordelia remembered that he would call her darling whenever Elijah asserted their relationship.

"Ivan, go get ready. We'll head to our seats now," Cordelia said.

Elijah nodded in acknowledgment to Ivan and then wrapped his arm around Cordelia's waist as they walked away.

"There seem to be quite a few admirers of you, Master Cora," Elijah remarked, a hint of jealousy in his tone.

Cordelia quickly denied it, saying, "Ivan never pursued me."

"Then he must have had a secret crush on you," Elijah said with conviction.

"I don't have time to entertain such thoughts," Cordelia replied, feeling helpless.


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