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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 131

Chapter 131 Provoke Cordelia

Seeing the tense atmosphere between Elijah and Cordelia, Imogen smoothed things over. "Keep cool. It's a trivial matter."

Cordelia looked straight at Elijah. "Is it because Eva needs you, or you can't live without her?"

"Go in and see what she looks like now. If it were you, you wouldn't leave her alone. Just go and see."

Elijah lost his patience.

He was very tired from dealing with Eva, which made him irritable.

If something happened to Eva, he couldn't explain it to her dead brother.

"Mr. Hansen, Miss Lewis is sick and needs to be treated. You are not a psychiatrist. Don't make things worse," Cordelia reminded Elijah coldly.

Imogen leaned close to Cordelia's ear and whispered, "What's wrong with her?"

"Mental disorder."

"Cordelia!" Elijah was angry.

"Mr. Hansen, it's not good to hide her illness from the doctor. Since she is sick, you should let a professional doctor treat her.

"Of course, if you think you can cure her, I have nothing to say.

"I won't stop you if you want to go crazy with her, but you have to bear all the consequences in the future."

After finishing speaking, Cordelia turned around and left without hesitation.

Elijah immediately caught up with her. He grabbed her arm, but she shook his hand off hard.

"You'd better not touch me now, or I don't mind fighting with you." Cordelia gave Elijah a warning look and left without looking back.

Imogen trotted forward and said to Elijah, "Mr. Hansen, Cordelia is right. If Miss Lewis is sick, she must see a doctor. Otherwise, she makes such a fuss every day. Are you going to do nothing and guard her all your life? How great you are!"

Elijah frowned. "The doctors and nurses are inside. They are treating her."


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