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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 133

Chapter 133 Daisy Is Back

Cordelia hugged Elijah tightly.

She felt Elijah's helplessness.

In the face of life and death, no one could be calm. People who escaped from death would find it more difficult to remain calm.

"I understand. He entrusted Eva to you, but he didn't want you to spoil her.

"After all, you are not Eva's brother. Treating her like that will only make her develop feelings for you. You are to blame."

Cordelia wanted to comfort Elijah, but since he did something wrong, he should be punished. Doting would only make the other party continue to make mistakes.

"I admit that I didn't think carefully enough." Elijah buried his face in Cordelia's chest and said in a nasal voice, "Will you ask the baby to despise me?"

Cordelia was taken aback for a moment, then smiled.

"Yes. You are a childish father."

When he heard the word "father", Elijah was stunned.

Right. He was going to be a father soon. It was time for him to consider taking responsibility for this family.

No matter how reluctant he was to get married at the beginning, and no matter who Cordelia loved, they were husband and wife now.

Moreover, they would soon have a baby.

Elijah suddenly felt weepy.

He hugged Cordelia tightly and coaxed her softly. "Sleep peacefully in my arms."

Cordelia was sleepy.

She didn't want to think about anything else.

That night, she had a dream. She dreamed of a big fire, thick smoke, and flames soaring into the sky...

Imogen was going to Tarssa City soon, so in the past two days, she stopped posting new videos and gave herself a vacation.

"Cordelia, have you reconciled with Elijah?" On the phone, Imogen asked with concern.


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