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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 135

Chapter 135 Did You Invite This Lady?

It sounded like Elijah asked Daisy to come, and they looked like a couple in love. Daisy's words were casual.

Elijah glanced at her without answering.

Cordelia randomly picked a seat, sat down, and asked Elijah, "Did you invite this lady? Why didn't you invite her to our house?"

Elijah immediately sat beside her, leaned close to her ear, and whispered to her, "I didn't invite her. Don't learn from her and put on a show."

His voice was so low that no one could hear it except Cordelia.

After hearing this, Cordelia smiled lightly and said nothing more.

As Edith saw that Elijah performed well and made Cordelia laugh, her expression softened.

"Daisy, how long are you planning to stay in Beilve City this time?"

Daisy's eyes followed Elijah all the time. When she heard Edith's question, she looked away, and there was a flash of sadness in her eyes.

"I worked hard abroad for three years alone and finally figured it out. I like Beilve City and the people here."

Edith smiled politely. "Well, it's good to stay at home."

Cordelia could tell that Daisy's words had a double meaning.

However, Edith was smart. She ignored Daisy's words and talked about something else.

"Elijah, I'm a little tired," Cordelia whispered.

She wanted to leave, have a rest in the room upstairs, and wait for dinner.

As if Elijah didn't understand what she said, he put his arm around her waist. "Rest on my shoulder."

Daisy looked at the interaction between the two in front of her and pulled a long face.

Edith said with a smile, "Elijah loves his wife very much. Leave them alone. Daisy, it's getting late. Why don't you stay for dinner?"

"No, thanks. This is your family dinner. It's inappropriate for me to stay." Daisy smiled reluctantly.


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