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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 146

Chapter 146 What It Should Be Like 

On this stormy night, they shared the same bed under one blanket. 

Throughout the night, Elijah was worried about Cordelia getting cold, so he held her tightly. 

Cordelia watched the raindrops hit the window pane without feeling the slightest bit sleepy. 

She suddenly remembered something and turned to Elijah, asking, “You’ve been practically missing in action since noon. Aren’t you worried the company might have some urgent matters to discuss with you?” 

If she remembered correctly, his usually busy phone hadn’t rung all day. 

“I turned off my phone and told my assistant to contact my father if it was really urgent,” Elijah replied carelessly. 

Cordelia burst into laughter. 

“Dad hasn’t cared about the company’s affairs for a long time. You really caused him a big trouble.” 

Elijah wanted to say that Cordelia and the kid mattered the 


But of course, he would never say that out loud. 

Although apparently, he started to favor them. 

“However, you should not be so willful in the future. I understand how much care it takes to run a company, let alone a company as big as Hansen Group,” Cordelia seriously advised him. 

“Ok, I get it.” 

Elijah replied with a very careless attitude. 

He didn’t like being restricted by others unless he willingly accepted it. 

However, Cordelia’s comment made him realize that maybe she didn’t enjoy being constantly watched by him either. 

“Cordelia, what do you think a normal married life should be like?” 

Cordelia was taken aback by Elijah’s question. 

“Grandma said that an ordinary married life is just daily necessities. 

“In the past, when everyone lived a difficult life, Grandma and Grandpa worked hard all day to make money and make life better. 

“But of course, their experience isn’t for every couple.” 

Elijah thought for a while and then asked, “Then what do you think?” 

“Do you care about my opinion?” She blurted out without thinking. 

But as soon as she said so, she regretted sounding so self-absorbed. 

Elijah didn’t answer immediately. “Just tell me what you think.” 

Cordelia lowered her gaze, her eyelashes trembling slightly. “First, I’d want to marry someone I don’t dislike, and of course, he shouldn’t dislike me either. 

“He doesn’t need to be very handsome or ambitious, and he definitely doesn’t need to be wealthy. As long as he has a good character, is mentally healthy, and emotionally stable, that’s enough.” 

Elijah’s face darkened for a moment. 

He didn’t expect that Cordelia, such an outstanding woman, would have such low expectations for her future partner. 


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