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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 165

Chapter 165 The Subscriber You Dialed Is Powered Off

Then she laughed. "It turns out that these so-called brothers are all the same!"

Indeed, they could sacrifice themselves for their brother, but in the same way, they could sacrifice their brother for women.

"Thank you. I am aware of my situation. I hope your kind reminder ends here!"

After finishing speaking, Cordelia turned around gracefully and left.

They were too cunning. They couldn't be provoked.

After dinner, as expected, Ben entangled Imogen.

Lamia, on the other hand, was worried about Jacob, so she obediently supported him all the time.

Cordelia glanced at the time and said, "Imogen, it's getting late. I'll find a hotel to settle down. I'll see you tomorrow."

At this time, Jacob frowned and said, "What? Hasn't Elijah arranged a place for you yet?"

Lamia said from the side. "My brother left in a hurry. How could he have time..."

"Let's go, Cordelia. I'll find a place for you." Jacob said immediately.

Lamia's eyes widened immediately.

She looked at Jacob, then at Cordelia. Her eyes instantly became a little wary.

Cordelia waved her hand. "Don't bother. I'll find a hotel close to Imogen's apartment."

After speaking, she turned around and left without any hesitation.

Imogen looked at Cordelia's back with deep thoughts and reminded everyone, "Cordelia is very independent and doesn't like interference in what she can do by herself, especially those from men."

Jacob pursed his lips tightly, feeling a little embarrassed.

Lamia held Jacob's arm, but at this moment, her brain was thinking fast. Could there be something tricky between Jacob and Cordelia?

But after thinking about it, she felt that it was impossible. After all, Cordelia was already her sister-in-law. It was impossible, absolutely impossible.

That being said, she was still worried and found an opportunity to call Elijah and tell him what happened just now secretly.

"Jacob?" Elijah's tone was obviously cold. "Okay, I see."


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