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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 174

Chapter 174 Part With Him

Hearing her words, Elijah laughed.

He couldn't be happy as she wished, at least not for now.

As the day when Cordelia was discharged from the hospital was getting closer, Elijah spent more time with her.

Cordelia guessed maybe Elijah was silently resisting his family.

Back then, when he left her alone and ignored her, it was also one of his ways to fight against his family.

Cordelia didn't care about it and put up with his childish behaviors.

Elijah still took care of her as before, and she didn't refuse him.

Until the morning Cordelia was discharged from the hospital, she said to Elijah, "We should say goodbye here. Elijah, see you at the Courthouse at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

Elijah froze and then stared at her deeply. "Cordelia, I'll ask you again. Answer me after you think about it carefully. Are you really not going to change your mind?"

Cordelia chuckled, "Elijah, we are not children anymore. We must be responsible for what we say."


At this moment, Eason and Adam walked in one after another.

"Cordelia, Mr. Carter misses you and wants to see you soon. He sends us to pick you up," Adam said with a smile.

Cordelia smiled at him. "I miss him, too."

Milo had gone out for traveling before.

Everyone hid Cordelia's accident from him. It wasn't until Milo came back that he learned Cordelia had almost died, which made him very worried.

Cordelia took one last look at Elijah. "Goodbye. I will arrive at the Courthouse on time tomorrow."

Elijah didn't speak but watched them disappear from his sight.

He stood there in a daze for a long time. Feeling a little dizzy, he staggered back and sat on the bed.

The smell of Cordelia still lingered on the bed.


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