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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 187

Chapter 187 He's Getting Engaged

No wonder Ben sent him the screenshot and then separately sent this photo.

Elijah's eyes gradually dimmed, losing their sparkle.

Elijah couldn't help but think that they had ultimately come together.

The more Elijah thought about it, the more he couldn't control himself.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

Gideon's stern voice came from the end of the line. "Elijah, why did you refuse Daisy's invitation to have dinner together? Weren't you always good friends before?"

"I'm busy," Elijah replied coldly.

"Don't you even have time for a meal? Do you think I'm confused? Don't forget, you're single now, you don't need to worry about so much! I'll make the reservation at the restaurant, and you can treat Daisy. Put it on my tab!"

With that, Gideon hung up the phone without giving Elijah a chance to refuse.

Elijah's face grew solemn as he looked out of the window, his gaze becoming increasingly dim.

After spending the whole day outside, Cordelia's mood improved significantly.

Eason dropped Cordelia off at her place and was about to leave.

Cordelia glanced at the time and said, "Eason, it's getting late. Stay and have a meal before you go. The food here is delicious."

Cordelia suggested it herself, and naturally, Eason wouldn't refuse.

Just as they sat down, Cordelia received a call from Imogen.

Imogen's voice was small, saying she was hiding in the bathroom to call Cordelia.

"What happened?" Cordelia asked anxiously.


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