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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 20

Chapter 20 Cordelia Wanted to Ask Something 

Imogen’s expression instantly became serious. 

“Cordelia, I didn’t intend to tell you about this matter and wanted to solve it myself because I haven’t figured out why Elijah did this.” 

Then Imogen and Cordelia went to a café and chatted slowly. 

“Because the sponsors ran away collectively, the dance troupe couldn’t perform. You mean Elijah did this?” 

There was anger hidden in Cordelia’s eyes because she already had some guesses. 

Imogen waved her hand. “What’s worse, no one dares to sponsor the Light Dance Company as soon as hearing its name. Cordelia, I suspect that this matter has something to do with that bastard Ben Turner!” 

Hearing what she said, Cordelia’s eyebrows relaxed. “Aren’t you and Ben going to break off the engagement?” 

“That’s why that bastard wants to fix me.” Imogen clenched her teeth in anger. 

Ben was Imogen’s fiancé and also Elijah’s close friend. 

If Elijah got involved in the matter of the dance troupe because 

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She was warned more than once by Elijah not to expose hersell in public again. 

And now, the dance troupe was unable to perform, making her have to suspect that helping Ben was just an excuse. 

“I’ll ask Elijah about it in the evening,” Cordelia said after careful consideration. 

Imogen was a little guilty because she knew that the relationship between Cordelia and Elijah had been tense recently. 

So she quickly nodded gratefully. “Thank you, Cordelia!” 

At night, Cordelia appeared in Maple Villa, the place where she had lived for three years. 

Now she moved, but Elijah came back here every day instead. Maybe he was mocking her. 

When Elijah, who was in home wear, saw Cordelia appearing in front of him at this time, he looked at her with a playful look and smiled. 

“Why? You have gotten back your conscience and come back to fulfill your obligations as my wife?” 

Cordelia lowered her eyes, ignoring his teasing. “I have something to ask you.” 

Elijah slowly approached her, took her wrist, and led her to the sofa. 

He didn’t let her sit down on the sofa but pulled her directly to 

down on his lap. 

Surprised and angry, Cordelia protested, “Elijah, I have something serious to talk to you about.” 

“Okay, go on.” 

Elijah’s expression seemed to be telling her she should go on. 

Cordelia was angry. 

Originally, she came here with the mentality of having a fierce quarrel with him. But now, she once again felt powerless. 

“You did something to the Light Dance Company, right? Why?” 

Elijah’s eyes darkened. “Aren’t you just an external dancer? What does it have to do with you?” 

His hand had unconsciously wrapped around Cordelia’s slender waist as if it was a silent threat. 

“Someone asked me for help,” Cordelia said calmly. 

“Since this matter has nothing to do with you, just mind your own business.” Elijah’s tone became much colder. 

Cordelia asked, “I just want to know the reason.” 

Elijah pushed her away, glanced at the phone, and got up to walk to the wine cabinet to pour wine while thinking of something. 


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