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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 208

Chapter 208 There's Nothing Between Us

Cordelia showed no mercy to Daisy.

If she hadn't reacted quickly, she would have been the one getting beaten.

Cordelia never provoked anyone deliberately. But if anyone violated her, she would fight back without hesitation.

Being soft on enemies was being cruel to herself.

Cordelia easily restrained Daisy, no matter how hard she struggled.

Eventually, Daisy's face was submerged in the cold water, leaving her unable to scream.

A few seconds later, Cordelia pulled her out of the sink and coldly asked, "Miss Kingsley, are you awake now? Tell me. Did I pester your fiancé?"

"No, no! It's him who can't let you go. I made a mistake," Daisy replied in terror.

Cordelia continued to stare at her expressionlessly and said, "Miss Kingsley, I advise you to mind your tongue. Otherwise, next time, it won't be as simple as a sink. I assume you're not interested in a toilet, right?"

"Cordelia, I've actually always liked you. I wanted to be friends with you, not your enemy," Daisy said flatteringly, knowing that she had to yield for now.

Cordelia ignored her nonsense and let go of her hair. "Get lost!"

Daisy's expression became ferocious for a second after Cordelia let her go. She clenched her teeth and gave Cordelia a hateful look before leaving.

Cordelia tidied her sleeves and glanced at Daisy. "I told you to get lost!"

"Just you wait, Cordelia! I'll never let you go!" Daisy yelled harshly while rushing out.

However, as soon as she stepped out, she bumped into Elijah.

Then, Daisy immediately burst into tears.


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