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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 22

Chapter 22 So Sweet 

Nevertheless, the matter was finally resolved perfectly under the joint effort of Cordelia and Imogen. 

As for Brian’s dismissal, Cordelia didn’t care about it at all. 

What she was concerned about the most was when Elijah could go through the divorce formalities with her. 

She asked Elijah several times but got no specific answer. He either refused to answer her or was busy, which greatly frustrated Cordelia. 

Sometimes, she would suspect that Elijah wanted to take back his words. 

But soon, she would drop the idea. 

She would never forget that Eva was still eagerly waiting for them to get divorced, so she could be married to Elijah! 

In the evening, Cordelia was doing yoga following a video tutorial when her phone buzzed. 

She frowned slightly and took the phone. 

How strange! It was Lamia, her sister-in-law. 

“Hey, Cordelia. I need to tell you something. Your husband is drunk and being accompanied by a sophisticated woman!” 

She heard a lot of such gossip about her husband in the past, but with the intervention of her bossy mother-in-law, Elijah’s name was always cleared in the end. 

But now, his sister personally tipped off the news, which sounded more believable to Cordelia. 

“What? What’s the matter with you? Your man is going to be snatched away by other women, and you are not worried at all? I’ll tell you this. That woman is very open!” 

Lamia’s words undoubtedly aroused Cordelia’s anger and fighting spirit. 

“Well! Let’s see how open and promiscuous this woman is!” Cordelia thought. 

Twenty minutes later, Cordelia appeared at the door of the clubhouse. 

Lamia was kind enough to show up too. She was already at the door, waiting for Cordelia. 

“Cordelia, you look so…” sexy today. 

Cordelia wore a purple tube dress, which brought out her curvy body and made her look sexy yet elegant. 

But Lamia didn’t say the second half of the sentence. She was also quite beautiful that day, and she didn’t want to admit. Cordelia’s beauty. 

When Cordelia opened the box door and walked in, she saw Eva 

silling on the sofa and feeding Elijah a grape, her whole body leaning against him. 

Lamia added fuel to the fire by saying, “Look, this woman has been pestering my brother because she is disabled, Cordelia. How could you live with it?” 

Cordelia thought to herself, “This is nothing. I’ve seen him doing stuff with other women.” 

At this time, Ben, who was sitting not far from Elijah, noticed Cordelia at the door and waved to her. 

Ben was also surrounded by hot women, and he was in a mess. 

Cordelia nodded politely at him and then walked straight toward Elijah. 

“Hi, gorgeous. Come and let’s chat a bit!” 


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