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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 222

Chapter 222 I'm Evie

Even after Cordelia got out of the car and left, Elijah was still in a daze.

The scent of Cordelia lingered around his nose, not fading away for a long time.

After a while, he suddenly smiled, touched his lips, and murmured, "Cordelia."

A week later, Cordelia learned the news that Liam was hospitalized.

Imogen called her and said that Daisy had come looking for her, hoping Imogen would help her to meet Cordelia.

Cordelia immediately refused. "I won't see her."

"I think so too. That group of socialites is very scheming. I don't know what bad ideas they gave her!" Imogen sneered.

"Yeah, I think so too," Cordelia said calmly, "By the way, Imogen, are you free tonight? Would you like to have dinner with me?"

"Sure! Cordelia, I've been so bored lately. I feel like I'm turning into a bird being kept in a cage by Ben," Imogen said with annoyance.

"Oh? Are you two living together?" Cordelia asked keenly.

Imogen said angrily, "Of course not. He went abroad to cultivate feelings with his future fiancée. He is a scumbag!"

"We can talk about it when we meet."

Coincidentally, Cordelia felt that she should inform Imogen about something.

So, the two of them made an appointment to have dinner together.

Cordelia ate steak, and Imogen ate vegetable salad.

"You know you've been fat recently, yet you suggest coming to a place like this? Are you torturing yourself?" Cordelia grilled the steak while rolling her eyes at Imogen.

As a dancer, she must not let her weight exceed the standard. If she exceeded it, she had to lose weight consciously.

Imogen smiled and said, "Don't you love the steak here? I'm happy just watching you eat."


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