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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 229

Chapter 229 Is Eason or Me More Important?

Her face was terrible, which made Elijah very worried. So he stayed with her, never leaving.

After she told Jenny about her illness, Jenny, and even Samuel beside her, couldn't help but admire Cordelia.

"I didn't expect Miss Carter to be so young, but your medical skills are amazing. I admire you."

Cordelia waved her hand. "I'm flattered. You have to pay more attention to taking this medicine on time, and you need to diet yourself. I'll recheck you in half a month."

"Okay, Evie, I won't take any other medicines, just take this bottle of medicine you gave me," Jenny said with a smile, "However, I still want to ask, what is the name of this medicine?"

"Rejuvenation Pill," Cordelia said the name of the pill without hesitation.

"Ah? This medicine seems to be available in any pharmacy, right?" Jenny asked suspiciously.

Cordelia smiled. "The pharmacy sells Agerasia Pill, a prescription Milo sold in the early years. And this bottle you got is a prescription improved by him, which is more suitable for modern people and more symptomatic for your disease."

To be precise, it should be the product of her improved prescription, which passed the checks of Milo.

At this time, Jenny gave her husband a wink, and Samuel understood and immediately said, "Evie, please give me your credit card numbers, and I will pay you the consultation fee."

"Okay." Cordelia gave the number to him.

Not long after, she received a reminder of the transfer notification.

But now, she had already put the phone back in her bag and didn't check it immediately.

Her indifferent and confident appearance made Samuel and Jenny trust her medical skills even more.

After saying goodbye, Cordelia went back to the hotel to rest.

"Let me see you off," Elijah said.

"No. Lidio and Eason are waiting for me."

As she was talking, Cordelia suddenly remembered something and asked after deliberation, "Elijah, Eason was not invited to this summit. Do you know the reason?"


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