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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 232

Chapter 232 I Want Him and His Heart

Cordelia thought it was funny, so she smiled.

"You're still laughing!" Elijah looked at her seriously with a dark face. "Is it so funny?"

"Elijah, I have never seen such an authoritative person like you. You said you want to chase me, and I have to agree. Then you control me quite a lot. So is it your way of pursuing?" Cordelia raised her eyebrows, still looking at him with a smile.

Elijah choked, speechless for a moment.

Cordelia pretended to be arrogant and snorted coldly, "Don't forget, we are all single now. You will not deliberately keep a distance from the opposite sex, and I don't need it either. We are equal."


Elijah was ticked off again!

He pulled the eloquent little woman into his arms and hugged her tightly.

"You are amazing, and you are the boss. It is all my fault, okay?" Elijah's tone was low, like a dog that had lost a battle, lifeless.

Cordelia smiled lightly, then said, "Before, I just thought that Hansen Group was one of the organizers, and you might know some inside information, so I asked you whether to invite Eason. I didn't expect you to be over-hearted."

"I don't know much about it, but I can check it for you," Elijah said lightly.

"No. It is all over. There is no need to look into it." Cordelia pushed Elijah away and said quietly, "There may be major turmoil in the Watts family in the near future."

"I know." Elijah had already made a plan before Cordelia told him.

"It is getting late. You should go back!" Cordelia said at the right time.

"What? Don't you let me go in and sit?"


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