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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 238

Chapter 238 You Are Not Her Biological Daughter

There was a time when she saw such calm and persistent eyes.

When was it?

Her head hurt so badly that she couldn't remember.

She inserted her fingertips into her lengthy hair, feeling a little painful. "Eason, give me some time to think. I'm in a mess now."

"Okay." Eason glanced at the time and suggested, "It's still early. Do you want to go upstairs and sleep for a while?"

Last night was Eason's first visit to Cordelia's house, and he didn't know where her bedroom was. So it was inconvenient to take her upstairs rashly. He had to leave her on the sofa for the whole night.

Cordelia shook her head. "Eason, can you order two takeout? I'll wash up and get the letter after breakfast."


An hour later, Cordelia got the letter without trouble.

Her vision immediately blurred when she saw the beautiful font on the envelope.

It was her grandma's handwriting!

[Cordie, I hope you are well.]

[Forgive me for telling you something about your past in this way.]

[Let me guess, you must be Milo's favorite apprentice now, right? Are you married? Did you choose the handsome guy from the Hansen family or the pretty boy from the Taylor family? Did you have any children?]

[Haha, Cordie, you are so beautiful and kind. Your family must be very happy, right? Then it's time for grandma to tell you the truth about your background.]

[You are not Janice's biological daughter. Janice did remarry, but you are not her biological daughter.]

Seeing this, Cordelia's pupils trembled.

She was not Janice's biological daughter? How could it be?


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