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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 240

Chapter 240 I Want to Stay With Elijah

Cordelia thought that Elijah had no reason to protect Daisy. Unless...

"Forget it. It's good that he's fine. With Daisy taking care of him, it's good for them to take this opportunity to cultivate their relationship." Cordelia lowered her eyes and secretly clenched her fists.

Imogen could only sigh in her heart when she saw Cordelia's strange expression.

In the past, she would have persuaded Cordelia, but with such a complicated situation now, Imogen felt it was better not to be a disservice.

Later, Ben came to pick up Imogen.

Imogen originally wanted to stay with Cordelia, but that bastard Ben disagreed!

Cordelia accompanied Imogen to the door and reluctantly greeted Ben with a smile.

However, Ben only glanced at her indifferently. "Cordelia, do you know why Elijah had a car crash?"

Cordelia shook her head. "I don't know."

"Last night, did you let another man stay at your home overnight?" Ben asked contemptuously.

Cordelia was taken aback momentarily and then said, "Sort of..."

Eason watched over drunken Cordelia all night in the living room, so he literally stayed at her home overnight.

"And this morning, you hugged that man on the street?" Ben raised his voice. His tone was full of questioning.

Cordelia stood there silently without saying a word.

Everything came together, and she felt a little overwhelmed.

She would have collapsed if she hadn't tried so hard to hold her mind together.

Imogen suddenly hugged Ben's waist and said coquettishly, "That's enough. Don't get involved in their business. I'm sleepy, let's go!"


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