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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 244

Chapter 244 He Won't Admit It

After Edith came and showed Elijah the video, she paced back and forth on the ground.

"Elijah, tell me, what do you think?"

Elijah stared out the window coldly, neither looking at her nor speaking.

He occasionally rubbed his forehead, and the severe headache made him feel more irritable now, and he was trying to restrain himself.

"I know you didn't want to marry Cordelia initially. We forced you to marry her. I admit that your father and I are too weak to disobey your grandpa.

"Your father is in poor health, so I can only be the villain and force you..."

Edith, who had always been aloof in front of her son, said such heartfelt words, which was rare.

Elijah's gaze was slightly moved, but he still had an aloof expression, turning his gaze to her indifferently.

"I don't know how things have become like this today. Your grandpa's behavior is getting more and more crazy, Elijah..."

"I said I only want Cordelia," Elijah suddenly said firmly.

Edith breathed a sigh of relief. "I knew that after all these years, you young couple will eventually have feelings for each other."

"Feelings?" Elijah laughed at himself. "There is no love between us. We have been in the same bed but haven't had the same feelings for each other for three years. Otherwise, we wouldn't be like this."

He had gone his own way in the past three years, never caring that he was already a woman's husband and spent all day outside.

And what about Cordelia?

He didn't know what that little woman was thinking.

At first, she was cautious, but gradually, with her own ability, she gained a place in the Hansen family.

When her so-called "brothers" appeared, she began to rebel and wanted to divorce him.

At least, Elijah thought so.


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