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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 253

Chapter 253 Do You Know Who My Boyfriend Is?

"Eason has something to do tonight, so he declined this party," Milo replied with a faint smile.

Cordelia understood that perhaps among the guests were Eason's opponents. After all, Eason was not close to Zach and his apprentices.

Then, Cordelia saw Elijah, who had come late.

With calm eyes and restrained emotions, Elijah walked in through the door with an appropriate speed.

As soon as Elijah appeared, countless eyes were attracted immediately to focus on him.

Afterward, Cordelia noticed that Zach brought his two apprentices to especially go up to communicate with Elijah enthusiastically.

"Cordelia, eat some vegetables." Milo's loving voice suddenly came.

Regaining consciousness, Cordelia smiled shyly at Milo. "I didn't expect Elijah to come."

"Zach likes to make friends and knows how to socialize with people," Milo said calmly.

Blinking, Cordelia thought, "It's obvious that Mr. Price knows how to flatter the rich and powerful. But What Milo describes about it is so genuine and pure."

At this time, Elijah came over, ready to take a seat at this table.

Zach smiled. "Come on, Elijah, please sit next to me."

Then, the enchanting Laura sat beside Elijah.

Like a well-trained public officer, Laura was very talkative, accompanying Zach and Elijah and making the atmosphere vibrate.

However, Clare, the other apprentice of Zach, sat quietly.


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