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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 273

Chapter 273 She Is Free Now

Soon, Imogen responded to the message.

[Cordelia, I'm afraid that you may not have the opportunity to be the child's godmother. I am sorry.]

Cordelia was shocked when she saw this message!


She immediately called Imogen. Imogen's voice was a little hoarse, as if she had just cried.

Cordelia was quite agitated at first, but when she heard Imogen's voice, she immediately calmed down.

Imogen must be more sad than Cordelia because she lost her child. Cordelia must be calm and not hurt Imogen's feelings.

Cordelia asked, "Imogen, where's Ben?"

"He went back to Beilve City," Imogen sighed and said, "Cordelia, I tried my best, but I still couldn't protect my baby."

Cordelia secretly clenched her fists, suppressed her indignation, and comforted Imogen, "I understand. Imogen, you did your best."

Imogen said, "Cordelia, I also have selfish intentions. I'm sorry. I have to break my promise to you."

As Imogen said, she suddenly broke down and cried, "I'm too cowardly. I'm too selfish, I..."

Cordelia was disconcerted, and her tears flowed out unconsciously.

Cordelia said, "Imogen..."

"Cordelia, will you look down on me?" Imogen suddenly choked up and asked.

"How could it be? It's impossible," Cordelia said as she wiped away her tears.

Imogen said, "However, I exchanged my child for freedom. I really don't deserve to be a mother! I'm just a tool, a reproductive tool! And I chose this path myself!"

Imogen yelled, almost out of vent.

Cordelia was stunned.

She suddenly became a little confused, and she did not understand what happened.


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