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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 276

Chapter 276 She Had Slept With Me

Cordelia didn't answer and asked instead, "Do you like boys or girls?"

"Girl!" Imogen said yearningly, "I want to dress her up beautifully. If she likes to dance, I'll let her learn to dance with you!"

Cordelia was stunned. She didn't expect Imogen to have thought about her baby's future life.

"Your dream will come true," Cordelia suddenly grinned and said happily.

Imogen was immediately stunned.

"Is it really a girl? Cordelia, my dream is about to come true!" Imogen said happily and excitedly.

Cordelia added, "Not only a girl but also a boy." Cordelia's smile gradually turned mysterious.

Imogen suddenly sat up.

Somehow, at this moment, she thought that Cordelia was joking with her. She dared not to believe.

Seeing that Imogen was about to burst into tears, Cordelia quickly hugged her and said, "Imogen, you always say I am lucky, but you are the luckiest woman, actually."

Imogen choked up a few times and said with a smile, "Yes, I don't envy you anymore, and I'm not bad either."

"Now I'm envious of you!" Cordelia said with a smile.

"Cordelia, could you help me do the antepartum examination? I don't want Ben to know this secret," Imogen said suddenly.

Cordelia understood what she meant, thought for a while, and said, "I suspect now that there are Elijah's subordinates in our Undernet, so maybe he will tell Ben about your pregnancy information. Sooner or later, Ben will know that you are pregnant with twins. Unless..."

Imogen said in surprise, "What?"

"Imogen, go to Grant City!" Cordelia said seriously, "I'll ask Adam to help you arrange the prenatal inspection information. I believe that no matter how powerful Ben's social connection is, he won't be able to get the information from Grant City. Even if he finds out, he won't be able to get real information."

Imogen gradually cheered up and said, "Great!"

Hearing that Cordelia had gone to Grant City, Elijah immediately couldn't calm down.

It just so happened that Ben called him and asked him to play snooker at night.

"Imogen went to Grant City and did not return to Beilve City," Elijah said coldly.


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